G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


"Big Guns"
If anyone needs an extra Stalker, EE is selling them for $15.... and typically it's not too hard to get free shipping if you have a code or buy a few other items. I have six already, but I ordered four more for fodder, as I also used some kind of 10% off "influencer" code that Edge plugged in for me. Got them down to $15 with tax included.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I was wondering if the [Snow?] Cat’s out of the bag or Solar Flare had any significance.


"Big Guns"
Cat could indicate Crimson Attack Tank (i.e. MOBAT repaint), meaning we might get red and green repaints of the same mold in one project... or Cat could mean SnowCat which would be underwhelming to an excessive degree. It's roughly my 34th favorite Joe vehicle. Or even worse, Cat could be a reference to a Tiger Force vehicle repaint... but we don't have anything to repaint yet, unless it's a Tiger HISS, in which case they will be laughed off the internet.

However, I fear the references to "Solar Flare" screams B.E.T... because it collects solar energy and that same energy was used to defeat the spores from Cobra La.... thus meaning the bonus figures will be a mix of Arctic Duke, Arctic Mindbender, and about half of the Cobra La group... but not all, because Hasbro cannot actually finish any group or team. Just ask any Marvel Legends fan, I'm pretty sure it's in the company charter.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I can’t see the B.E.T. or a vehicle repaint being popular enough to reach a goal. I feel like it has to be an original, main line vehicle, something apparently on the “big” side. I’m definitely leaning toward the Snow Cat to conveniently compliment the Pulse exclusive Snow Job. It will likely include Frostbite and then have the teased Arctic BAT repaint as a stretch goal. While this might really be stretching, but “Solar Flare” was the code name for the first repaint of the BAT, Target’s PP version. I wonder if another stretch goal could be the previously teased, but not yet revealed Snow Serpent (or at least some version of him).


"Big Guns"
Oh, I agree those other options would make terrible Haslabs, but that's the only connections I could make to the clues.

The SnowCat... is so meh. I mean, I'd likely support it because I'm sure it would be done well and come with a bunch of snow figures I'd want to own... but it doesn't blow my skirt up vehicle-wise, especially since we don't have a MOBAT, VAMP, Mauler, Dragonfly, Wolverine, etc... i.e. far more iconic vehicles that might be a better match for the HISS. Plus, while it might reach minimum funding goals, I think a snowcat would do a disappointing fraction of the HISS numbers.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I don’t disagree. Minus perhaps the Wolverine, I’d consider every one of those ahead of the SC.


"Big Guns"
Classified POs today:

-Televiper w/ Flight Pod
-Arctic BAT
-TF Dusty (Target?)
-PP CG (Target?)

Pulse sold out of the CGs fast (why I can't imagine). I bought a Dusty because of the green parts. Glad I got one there, as I'm sure as hell not ordering from Target. Although I realize we'll all have forgotten about the boycott by the time these figures are released, it's the principle of the thing.

The arctic BAT is pretty sweet and is still normal-price despite the extra head and lots of gear. I got the max of three, and that's just the right amount for my small snow squad. I just wish they'd hurry up an announce Snow Serpents (and EELS).

I'd like more than two Televipers, but I don't need an army of Trubble Bubbles, so I limited myself to just a pair.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Cool! I don’t have a compelling need for any of those and am becoming even more selective with my pre-orders of late. I recently canceled my Wally Retro CG and SE, so now only have RnR and Scrap Iron on pre-order. I’m still trying to decide if it’s worth picking up SJ and Torpedo without knowing if they will have specialty teammates or opponents (or vehicles) any time soon. I just don’t have a need or a place for the others.

I did see that Amazon has dropped the price on the Viper 3 pack, which I hope trickles down to the secondary market. I wouldn’t mind getting one or two of those if they become comparable to the single figures price-wise. And we should know more about the next HasLab next week, so that should liven things up additionally. I guess we’ll see if it’s enough to get me a little more fired up again.


"Big Guns"
Well, Torpedo did get Shipwreck as a fellow Navy compatriot, and SJ just got an arctic BAT (which looks badass) to act as a foil, so it's not all random. Still really need Snow Serpents and Eels though, I agree.

I'm not even a fan of rainbow BATs, but the arctic version is very cool and distinct... and it makes sense tactically rather than Crimson BAT or Inferno BAT or NEON Bullet Sponge BAT.

I'm excited about retro SE because he's on the Stalker buck rather than any of the previous SE bucks. He's not just a repack of an old SE figure. And he'll be the only version to come without those stupid shin guards. I think I ordered six of them, one to keep on the card, and a bunch of others for SE variations and parts for other character customs.

The Haslab reveal will be interesting. Smart money says Dragonfly based on all the hints, but there's a small faction that still thinks it's a SnowCAT.

I'm even excited about stupid Big Ben. I have zero use for the character himself, but that gas mask head is perfect for some OpForces/terrorists, and that buck screams Oktober Guard, random Eastern Blok goons, or even Joes from Marvel Issue #2.

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"Big Guns"
So who's up for a $275 Classified Dragonfly?

I'm in for one, as it's cheaper than I expected. Sure, it's Joescale and not true 1:12, but it's big enough for me (34.5" long). Wild Bill looks spectacular, as does the first tier bonus, Night Force Ripcord.

As of now it's over 8300 backers of the 10k required, so it should fund in Day-2... not as fast as the HISS but plenty quick.

G.I. Joe Classified Series G.I. Joe Assault Copter Dragonfly (XH-1) – Hasbro Pulse



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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Unfortunately, I’ve got no interest due to the pretty obvious airworthiness issue (removal of the original tail turbine that countered the rotor torque), but it looks pretty cool if you can ignore that. Wild Bill and Ripcord look great too!


"Big Guns"
Unfortunately, I’ve got no interest due to the pretty obvious airworthiness issue (removal of the original tail turbine that countered the rotor torque), but it looks pretty cool if you can ignore that. Wild Bill and Ripcord look great too!

Actually the tail turbine is still there. They showed it off during the livestream. It's just that it now has a protective cover with screens that attaches over the turbine. You couldn't possibly believe the Joe team would overlook such an obvious detail.


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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Ah... I obviously did not catch the LS, just stills. Well then, as usual, they need to inform their photographers that they need to "REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT" that cover, particularly for the shots of it firing off ordnance.

That info in hand, and since the system seems like it might actually be functional (despite that turbine being an "itty bitty 'lil thing) I won't rule it out. I'll reserve judgement until after I see what add-ons we end up with.


"Big Guns"
The cover is not meant to be removed before flight. The Hasbro/Joe team did not make this up. It's a real thing (NOTAR) .... essentially the old school Dragonfly tail turbine with an in-use protective cover. You could argue the pros & cons of this tech being used in an attack helicopter, but the execution is real.

- no tail rotor to get damaged, no tail rotor gearbox or driveshaft to wear and/or malfunction.
- NOTAR is quieter
- the simpler design and fewer components moving under high torque is less expensive to build, definitely less expensive to maintain.

- it is quite possible that the ducted fan and the air turning a corner isn't as efficient as a propeller, so fuel consumption might be higher
- I've read that there might be issues at high speed, as the airflow around the tail can change and it might cause some issues.

But in the world where we have teleportation devices, weather machines, rainbow ninjas, and color-changing biker mercenaries, a cover on a tail turbine/fan is not going to cause me to lose the first night's sleep.

NOTAR - Wikipedia
NOTAR. No Tail Rotor Helicopter (flightlineweekly.com)
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I'm familiar with NOTAR, and have seen the covered version (I believe they had a police Little Bird with one in Speed for reference), but what is required, but not visible from the pics, is some kind of significant opening on the outlet side of the unit to allow the air being pushed to exit (creating thrust to push against the torque of the main rotor). That cover doesn't seem to have any sort of visible ducting or even an opening. That's basically what I was looking for on the original pics but could not find. Seems like that opening (or openings) would have to be significant for the size of the helo.

Yes, you know all too well how much of a realism nut I am. If I'm spending $300 on a plastic helicopter, you can be darn well sure it's not going to look like it'd rather spin than fly... :LOL:

Edit: I found a better pic of the capture from the livestream where you can see some ducting on the cover. It is a lot easier to detect in the grey base color than once it's painted, that's for sure. I think it's still a little itty bitty to offset the torque from that big ol' main rotor, but I'll give them credit for execution just the same. I'd still prefer if they had just left it like the original turbine or give it a proper tail rotor, grumble, grumble...
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Tempting, never had a dragonfly.

Kind of wish I grabbed the black Apache when TRU was still around.
That, the 21st Super Cobra (both hanging in my office at home) and the various Black Hawks were all nicely detailed for the price. Ah, the good old days...


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Catching up on some of the other new reveals that I missed yesterday:

Grunt looks pretty awesome! He's just the kind of modernized classic I'm hoping for. I think I'm going to have to get him a more modern/near future looking carbine through. Otherwise, awesome! I think I'll also need to get an extra of his plate carrier for RnR for sure, and maybe for a couple others too. Best Joe troop builder/supplier yet?

Crimson Viper is ridiculous, but I want one. I think I'll forego ever trying to track down any other reasonably priced "regular" vipers and just make him part of the trio with the CI and PP ones I have. He'll fit right in with my actual CG too I suppose.

And... I'm finally getting to watch the livestream now... I think I'm starting to come around to the Dragonfly... If one of the add-ons is a decent Airborne... I may not be able to control it...

I'll say it looks a lot more impressive in the livestream than in the renders (even minus the paint). I like just about everything about it. Only thing I was still wishing for by the end of the livestream that they didn't offer was a flight helmet for Wild Bill. He had one in the 25th line and I thought that was a nice upgrade for him (in addition to the signature Stetson of course). I wonder if they'll find a way to get him one before the end of the campaign.

Oh, and NF Ripcord looks pretty epic!

Bring on the other bonus items!
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"Big Guns"
Ha, that's funny. I too thought that Grunt looks like a great figure, and I'll definitely need a few of them to customize into some additional characters... but my initial thought was, "Oh damn, gonna have to get rid of that plate carrier and get him one of Stalker's OG webgear. I have a blue million modern vests from all of the Valaverse fodder I've bought, and they just don't look right to me. Yeah, I know they're accurate for modern times, but they just scream "generic military" instead of "ARAH!". Maybe if I was creating a new character or customizing a specialized squad that needed some visual element to tie them together, such a vest would be useful, but on the Grunt character it crosses the line between realism and fantasy that sucks the fun out of Joe, IMO.

I mean, if you gave Quick-Kick a vest and boots and a helmet and an M4... is he still Quick-Kick? Or is he just an asian-american enlisted guy? Too much realism destroys Joe if you're not careful.

It is cool that they gave Grunt a SB helmet so he can be a greenshirt troopbuilder if someone was so inclined, but I never liked the idea of greenshirts. Sure, it's ok to have a few around the base doing the boring shit, but having them out in battle is basically the antithesis of GIJoe, a collection of super-specialists to make small strike forces to combat terrorists, not a full-fledged military brigade. There is no such thing as a generic super specialist or a elite-specialist in training... those are called basic soldiers and have no business even knowing GIJoe exists, much less participating in anything. I always thought of Joe as having much smaller numbers than Cobra, despite having more figures and named characters. Cobra has cells all over the world, Joe is just one little outfit.

IDK, I'm rambling now. But they make these odd choices that make you really examine what you like and don't like about the property! Clearly YMMV.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Grumble, grumble... 😂🤣😂

We’re like a couple grumpy old men griping about what we like or don’t about the world.

If you ever decide you want to sell any of that modern kit, I know a guy... 😆


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
One of these days when we're feeling less grumpy/lazy we'll get these two guys together and figure out what needs upgrading - probably after RnR drops. He's the next one I see that could really benefit from a little body armor. Thanks in advance!


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I was looking at Grunt again and thinking about your opinion on whether combat greenshirts should be a thing or not. I think you are generally correct, and that the no-names should mostly be left to the support and administrative jobs.

However, I do see a potential for greenshirts in combat for two reasons: 1. They could be special operators that are working toward qualifying for the full Joe team. I seem to remember an issue of the comic where there are a bunch of trainees trying to make the team. Greenshirt could be the final level where they join the team on a probationary basis. They could work with the team until they show they can hack it. Then they could become full members, dump the full greens and don whatever uniform their heart desires. 2. They are the bullet/laser magnets that protect the fully unique named characters. I remember struggling as a kid wanting some real consequences for combat missions, but never wanted to kill off any main named characters I owned (I owned them because I liked them and didn't have money for all of the ones I liked less, so why would I want to kill off my favs?). I used to use Footloose (over and over) as a greenshirt (though I didn't use the term back then) that would inevitably be the ones taking the fatal shots. JM2CW.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I can see the trainee aspect, but I always imagine Joes being plucked ready-to-go from the best of other squads, not following through on some internship ladder. We've been led to believe Joes are chosen and invited to join, not invited to be a junior trainee. This isn't a McDonalds where guys hope to work their way to assistant night manager. You're on the team because you're already a proven badass. So that's why the trainee thing doesn't compute in my brain. I'd be more inclined to treat Steel Brigade as temporary reinforcements from other groups when Joes need larger numbers. But they don't have code-names and such because they're just temporary/borrowed or something like that rather than some probationary wannabe. I just can't make Joe out to be a training program in and of itself in my head.

I hear you about needing a bullet sponge or two. In the desire for "consequences", Slaughter, BBQ, and Airtight were always the sacrificial lambs, along with some of the more boring and inconsequential vehicle drivers like Crankcase, Tollbooth, and others that rarely, if ever, did anything in the toon or comics. I too had no plans to kill off the "good" characters! :)
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"Big Guns"
Yeah, it took about 26 hours, so it wasn't as quick as the HISS (which only needed 8k), but it's slowing down quickly.

It'll probably be a few days before we hit the first stretch and reveal the second. I expect something sub-par, as I don't see them putting a great character like Airborne in there unless it's an alt deco like Ripcord.

And the final reveal should be a bigger deal, like Mickey CC, but I don't know who that would be frankly. Who else do we associate with the Dragonfly? In the cartoon, damn near everybody could fly one...


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Was Airborne ever in any subgroups? I can’t imagine them not including him somehow.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I really think they need to release new mold figures (like they did for the HISS) to justify the cost, at least for me. Three new figs at $25 each and $200 for the choppa. Ripcord is a win. If anything, each new reveal should be a step up in value, not a repaint.

That said, they did drop the cost down $25 from the HISS so I wonder if they are already acknowledging a lesser product.


"Big Guns"
This campaign didn't have an early-bird bonus, and while the HISS figures were new molds, the early bird was just a repaint of the driver, so that's a reuse right there. Plus, one of the HISS unlocks was armor bits and such, not exactly as thrilling as a figure, IMO, and the Dragonfly base offering has a ton of accessories, so I'm not sure you can do simple apples-to-apples comparisons with the HISS.

Then when you factor in the very real fact that inflation has everything costing 10% more than a year ago, you really can't compare where hasbro's cost might be in this campaign. Just wild speculation, I think we'll get one more new tooling figure and one more re-use/repaint.

I could see them reusing the stalker/grunt buck for a red Grand Slam, which would be cool to give us another O13 member and really juicing sales while still leaving the option open for a silver GS at retail, thus not completely pissing off the collectors who don't buy the Dragonfly. As an O13 fan, I'd like to see both versions get made, but I wouldn't feel like my O13 group was incomplete if I only had one of the two GS decos. And it would create the vest tooling for both Flash and the other GS version at retail. Again, just speculation, but in my head it makes sense.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I wonder if a Hawk might also be a possibility. His name has been thrown around as "coming soon," but we've never actually seen any renders or anything. Makes me wonder if they'll try to work a vintage/v.2 set up here where he's blonde (or comes with both hair colors) but has the jacket or something like that.

I just see the JUMP pack as an easy, mainline set - in the vein of the Trouble Bubble - and I don't see GS as a big draw outside of that, since he was rarely featured and pretty much only does the jet pack. That just seems too easy to release separately from this. While I wouldn't put it past Hasbro to do it, is there that much demand for red GS and Flash? I don't even recall ever seeing a red GS in the wild back in the day, while I did have the silver with JUMP very early in my collection. I don't recall a red GS ever in the 25th either.

A decent Hawk and Airborne would certainly push me over the finish line, whereas, repaints of figs I already have or don't want definitely would not. We just need people to hurry up and get us past the next line to find out the next big reveal! :LOL:


"Big Guns"
Red GS came with the HAL back in the day, which seems like it would be a pretty low priority for Classified at retail, so that's why I thought it would make a good pack-in for a Haslab.


Red GS on a single card was one of the final new-era o-ring figures in the DTC line just prior to the 25th anniversary. And a red GS was released carded in the 25th-style in the Club Subscription figures.

1686254449267.png 1686254518359.png

I agree that the silver version is more iconic, and it's my preferred version mostly because it makes him more distinct from Flash. But that's exactly why I thought a red version would be good to include... like Mickey CC last year, not the most iconic version, not essential, but a variant you could include as a bonus for people that care without cutting off the "better" version from retail release later.

General Hawk has been mentioned as a future release, and a blonde O13 "Colonel Hawk" version in the haslab is certainly a possibility. But I figured they wouldn't reveal the haslab figure prior to the main release that's already been teased. But I also wouldn't rule out an MMS at retail eventually. I have plans to build my own MMS, and that practically guarantees an official release.

I'd love a JUMP with Silver GS... but with jetpacks aplenty coming with the Steel Brigade 2-packs, I question how much demand there would be for that either. With people jetpacking all over the place, what good is the little platform anyway? The only real value would be in the GS figure.

I would prefer one or more O13 figures in the campaign rather than rando night force repaints, but I'm preparing myself for that reality. Still doesn't dampen my enthusiasm for the campaign, as the bird, Bill and Ripcord are worth the price alone IMO.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Man, kinda seems like the Dragonfly doesn't have the same enthusiasm we saw with the HISS Tank. We're a week+ in and haven't covered the gap to unlock a pretty sweet Ripcord and reveal the second unlock. Word has to be out by now. I'm a little surprised and disappointed as I think, in general, it's a better offering than the HT was.

And Desert Snake Eyes? Just what we need... another Snake Eyes... Yeesh, hard pass.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, desert deco ninja in footie pajamas... hard pass.

I think the Dragonfly will hit all the goals just fine. It's not going as fast as the HISS, but it's also not a "troop-builder" type vehicle like the HISS, so I'm not surprised. We have new figure preorders going up every week this month, Target con, SDCC reveals, etc before the campaign ends, so I think each of those will give it a little nudge.

We should hit Ripcord and reveal the second stretch in the next day or two. And don't forget, the HISS got 7-8k in the final day, so anything resembling that will blow past the stretch goals we know about. I'm not worried at all.
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"Big Guns"
Also, looking back, the HISS campaign was far more forgiving with the required numbers.

  • 8,000 backers to fully fund the campaign
  • 10,000 backers to unlock Cobra H.I.S.S. Classified Upgrade #1
  • 12,000 backers to unlock Cobra H.I.S.S. Classified Upgrade #2
  • 14,000 backers to unlock Cobra H.I.S.S. Classified Upgrade #3
  • 16,000 backers to unlock Cobra H.I.S.S. Classified Upgrade #4
So if the Dragonfly had those goals, we'd already have an earlybird and two stretch tiers unlocked, just wondering about the third and fourth. I think the current unlock goals give the Dragonfly an aura of less success... when in reality, I'm not even sure that's accurate from a sheer numbers perspective.
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