G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


"Big Guns"
Amazon has them all up... Techno-viper is the only one that hasn't gone live yet, still says unavailable.

Big Boa Amazon.com
Quick-Kick Amazon.com
Airborne Amazon.com
Scarlett Amazon.com
Duke Amazon.com
Recondo Amazon.com
Action Soldier Infantry Amazon.com
Action Sailor Diver Amazon.com

Techno-viper - Amazon.com: G.I. Joe Classified Series #117, Techno-Viper, Collectible 6-Inch Action Figure with 8 Accessories : Toys & Games

....and so far, BBTS hasn't adjusted my 60th figures. I wasn't going to get a 60th soldier, but I went with one of those and a pair of divers at "the good price". If they honor it, I'll cancel the lone diver I have at Pulse.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Thanks for those! Weird that they don't come up for me here yet. 🤷‍♂️

I dropped Airborne into my cart. Still deciding what else to do...


"Big Guns"
Was out running some errands and mild christmas shopping amongst the hordes, and I found myself again in the vicinity of the out-of-the-way Ollie's. So I stopped in to find practically zero Joes. Half dozen Akikos and a single $15 LJ, and that was it. Still a ton of $10 MLs that I wouldn't buy for more than $3.

However, I did see 8-10 Fortnite boats for $15. I passed because I broke down and grabbed one for 20-something on black friday, but they're still out there!

Mostly I was reminded why I hate leaving the house this time of year.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, you‘re right about it not being worth joining the unwashed masses, particularly right now, though I keep finding myself out there despite that. My oldest daughter is learning to drive so we went out last night to practice and ended up out on our main commercial area driving up and down a six lane boulevard. She did great, but we were both happy to come home to our quiet rural home, and away from all those people.

As for Ollie’s, that seems to be exactly what they have left, everywhere, despite yet another ad showing better figs. I’ve lost my motivation to even check in there, despite having another coupon to use there. Maybe once more before Christmas, just in case, but I’m in no hurry.
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"Big Guns"
My HISS is scheduled for delivery today. Fingers crossed, as our mail/package delivery over the past week has been really spotty. I think our local post office is overwhelmed, as the stuff that reached the local PO and was supposed to be delivered last tuesday still hasn't arrived. But the HISS is FedEx, so hopefully they won't try to deliver during the lunch hour or something.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I look forward to seeing how you configure it for display/pics!

I ended up POing just Airborne. I'll need to figure out his replacement rifle, but otherwise, he seems like a really solid fig. I've decided to wait out the others that I have mild interest in. Seeing lower prices on a lot of the figures out there now tells me that we are approaching market saturation. I should be able to bargain/part shop down the road for figs/accessories I plan to use just to create my "ultimate" versions anyway.

Speaking of ultimate, hard to believe, but EE now has Super 7 Duke, BAT, SE and CC (sold out) down to $11. Not sure if that says anything about that line, or if EE just got way too excited about them and ended up with a huge surplus.

It's crazy to think we've gotten some 120+ figs plus a few vehicles for Joe CS and another dozen 6" Retros. That's a significant percentage of all the figs we got back in the glory days (before things went meh). Especially getting the feeling that the market is saturating (and I suppose the talk of Cobra-La), has me wondering if we have reached peak popularity again and are actually about to start the inevitable downslope.

Maybe I'm just in a mood, but my enthusiasm is wavering a little. I have to ask, "Where do we go from here?" Is there enough good and practical IP left from the Joe line to support it going forward? Will JoeClass continue to get most of the attention, or will Retro start to take over? Or will Retro go the way of the 4" Retro line and the O-ring line if things start to waver with the JCS?

Is there really even (non-closeout) brick and mortar demand for 6" Joes, or do we all just look to internet retailers and aftermarket sellers for our stuff? I see a lot of low demand figs clogging pegs at WM - I should say at WMs that even carry them. Similarly at Target - just the PP/TF repaints clogging up pegs there. Meanwhile, I think things continue to move online, at least based on AMZ's numbers sold in the past month, at least for the major figs. And I don't see Pulse dropping prices much at all, so they must be selling, right? Thoughts?


"Big Guns"
I look forward to seeing how you configure it for display/pics!

I ended up POing just Airborne. I'll need to figure out his replacement rifle, but otherwise, he seems like a really solid fig. I've decided to wait out the others that I have mild interest in. Seeing lower prices on a lot of the figures out there now tells me that we are approaching market saturation. I should be able to bargain/part shop down the road for figs/accessories I plan to use just to create my "ultimate" versions anyway.

Speaking of ultimate, hard to believe, but EE now has Super 7 Duke, BAT, SE and CC (sold out) down to $11. Not sure if that says anything about that line, or if EE just got way too excited about them and ended up with a huge surplus.

It's crazy to think we've gotten some 120+ figs plus a few vehicles for Joe CS and another dozen 6" Retros. That's a significant percentage of all the figs we got back in the glory days (before things went meh). Especially getting the feeling that the market is saturating (and I suppose the talk of Cobra-La), has me wondering if we have reached peak popularity again and are actually about to start the inevitable downslope.

Maybe I'm just in a mood, but my enthusiasm is wavering a little. I have to ask, "Where do we go from here?" Is there enough good and practical IP left from the Joe line to support it going forward? Will JoeClass continue to get most of the attention, or will Retro start to take over? Or will Retro go the way of the 4" Retro line and the O-ring line if things start to waver with the JCS?

Is there really even (non-closeout) brick and mortar demand for 6" Joes, or do we all just look to internet retailers and aftermarket sellers for our stuff? I see a lot of low demand figs clogging pegs at WM - I should say at WMs that even carry them. Similarly at Target - just the PP/TF repaints clogging up pegs there. Meanwhile, I think things continue to move online, at least based on AMZ's numbers sold in the past month, at least for the major figs. And I don't see Pulse dropping prices much at all, so they must be selling, right? Thoughts?
I think the Ultimate stuff was just a situation where no one knew the demand, and I suspect the supplier gave them favorable deals to over-order on the first wave. If you're Super7, it's much better to have the first wave be ubiquitous and cheap, rather than scarce. People are much more likely to pick up figs from wave 2, 3, & 4 if they have figs from wave one, or if figs from W1 are still available if you're late to the party. If W1 with a bunch of heavy hitters is impossible to find, nobody is going to suddenly choose to get into the line later. But that's all a guess from the marketing side of my brain.

I think the 6" retro line is just an excuse to do ARAH repaints that will get people like me to double/triple dip, make use of existing molds with minimal new tooling (just heads or a small piece of gear).

As usual, B&M has the problem of not knowing what to order, when to order, or when their pegwarmers are causing them to miss major sales on subsequent waves. And it's exacerbated by the fact that B&M stores (now that TRU is tits up) really don't care. A sku is a sku is a sku. WM doesn't care that LJ and Shipwreck are clogging their pegs while 3-4 other waves pass them by. Multiple Targets near me have at least gotten the latest Buzzer, Ripper, Hawk, Helix, Shockwave wave. My WMs haven't had anything new in months. They're as useless as Ollie's.

It's odd... while I'm not crazy about Cobra La per se, I'm excited that the line is popular enough for Hasbro to be digging that deep. There are still so many figures left to do... half of the O13, Ace, Blowtorch, classic Ripcord, Footloose, Airtight, Sci-Fi, Wet-Suit, Mainframe, Dialtone, (Doc and Alpine announced, no?), Iceberg, Lifeline, Law & Order, Hit-n-Run, Blizzard, Muskrat.... and a zillion drivers of vehicles that will never get made at this scale... and that's just the Joes.

I'd take 1-2/ea of various specialty vipers as well, even though I'm pretty much done army-building my main cobra forces, IGs notwithstanding. I'd buy several COIL troops if they ever released those too. But my main point is that there is still meat left on the bone and I'm far from burnt out. Heck, my list above doesn't include several characters also from the JvC-VvV-DTC era. That stuff got me back into joe well before the 25th. There is so much more Hasbro can do with Classified... and if I know hasbro, they'll be updating, rereleasing, and improving characters we've already gotten as well. No dollar will be left unharvested.

I can't wait for more small vehicles... FANG, SKYHAWK, ASP, MMS, Devilfish, SHARC... and whatever the next haslab brings. And with Super7 bringing more Ultimates and 4" o-rings next year... let's just say it's a good thing most of my other collections have kinda wrapped up. I buy 2 DC figs a year, no more than a couple SW figs per year, and it's easier and easier to skip ML these days, as they aren't producing much for x-men fans. I haven't bought a hasbro TF in years and I'm down to just a few 3P Legends per year. Even Valaverse is just supplementary for Joe custom fodder. 90% of my toy money goes to the Joe franchise, so if they peak and slow down, I guess I'm going to be in full-custom mode.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
You're right. There are more than enough characters and vehicles yet to do. I just hope we get all the best ones, done well, before it ultimately sputters out. Maybe that is where my doubt lies. I sometimes wonder why they are doing some of the ones they are, and why now.

Are barefoot Bruce Lee and "don't-need-no-weapon-but-mah-fists!" wannabe evil Rocky more popular than characters that are actual combat troops? I hate to see the plastic wasted when better characters remain unmade. Then there are the 60th figs. They are all-in modern military combat troops, but generic - mainly for the army builder collectors, but maybe also an attempt to fire back at the Valas?

I suppose it comes down to trying to appeal to all the fans (even to those who embrace Cobra-La :sick:), while keeping just enough of the mainline figs in the pipeline to keep the more traditional military Joe fans coming back too. Maybe Hasbro has made enough to budget the all things to all people, carpet bombing approach we seem to be getting now (adding in Retro too), but it scares me, like we are risking limited time and resources for lesser, or redundant, offerings.

I suppose, in the end, I just don't trust Hasbro to keep the momentum going and not botch things, long enough to offer all of ARAH's best before the line naturally burns out. And I do miss the B&M hunts. Nothing takes me back to when I was a kid more than finding something new and unexpected or wildly underpriced at a B&M store. This predictable, always at full retail, preordering stuff, while it makes me feel like there's no chance of missing out, is less than satisfying...


"Big Guns"
I can only assume at this stage, they're pretty aware of what figs and decos are most popular. My assumption is that they are trying to appeal to different segments of the fandom by not just going in chronological order... to hook those late-80s and 90s fans, as well as not shooting all their bullets at once.

If they just came out and gave us the O13 right off the bat, some fans would walk away happy while others would never get onboard because they think "green guys are boring". So they're just spreading it around, trying to make it last as long as humanly possible.

We should be getting a Flash, given that his gear is being pre-molded for someone in the Dragonfly campaign (Glenda maybe, I forget). And if they make Flash, Grandslam will probably get a retro release to reuse most of Flash's parts. But poor Short-Fuze, Steeler, and Colonel Hawk... they're going to let them hang out to dry FOREVER to keep us olds hanging on to try and finish that group. And they're going to sprinkle in Frag-Viper and SE v4 and bright red Special Missions Brazil Mainframe just to piss us off. We'll get girl-Dial-Tone before the classic just to keep dangling that carrot. "What, you wanted the BOY version?... We had NO IDEA. Maybe next time... there are no plans right now... but stay tuned."

With Hasbro, they are the masters of not giving you what you want... just giving you something close enough to keep hanging on and hopefully double-dip. But all the spreading around and teasing can take a long while.

The good news is that even for figures I don't really like, the execution has been quite good. Big Ben and Range-Viper, both excellent figures even if neither of them was on my short list. The worst figures are those from the first 2-3 waves... they practically all need a redo. Obviously, Duke and Scarlett have been addressed, and we all assume classic CC will follow the HISS release. Flint, LJ, and Beachhead should get new head and boots/shins at the very least. And Shooter, she sucks... everything you hate about LJ with weird Jordans and zero nostalgia.

I hope they get into "classified style" characters from the comic and toon. Make them kinda modern and real-world, not toony like Super7. Scarface, Dr Venom, Kwinn, Oktober Guard (main 6 plus several later members), Candy & Prof Appel, Zanya, Billy, Hard/Soft/Blind Masters, BF2000, etc... there are so many of those characters that they could sprinkle into the line or make into con exclusives.

My enthusiasm my be clouding my judgement, but I assume if they're making Nemesis Enforcer, they intended to put out all of Cobra La, not just one or two of them. And the same is true for most other subgroups. Even if retail support for the line wanes, like you said, it's practically an online line anyway. Even if demand wanes and it becomes only Pulse, BBTS, and Amazon... so be it. As long as it keep trucking, I'll keep supporting it.

Retro WM SE is the best figure in the line, IMO. I bought 10 of them. One opener, a MOC, and eight for the Plague. It's simple, it's classic, it comes with all the correct gear and a stand... and the retro card art is just the cherry on top. If I saw one in the wild at MSRP, I'd buy it too.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I love your enthusiasm, and what you say makes sense. I think you are spot on that they are baiting us all along to pull in as many fan types and to stretch this out as long as they can. Based on the listed monthly sales for AMZ, Retro Scarlett, Grunt and Desert SE ( :wtf:) all with multiple thousands sold and a number of others at 1K+, the strategy of sprinkling from OG13, modernized and now renewed (good) Retro seems to be working.

I suppose I should just count my blessings and be patient, knowing that, despite a few recent failures to launch at 4", Hasbro seems to have the 6" lines plugging away, despite not fully fulfilling any particular fanboy group's full wishes and expectations very quickly. It's almost as if they've done this before...

Congrats on the HISS!!!


"Big Guns"
I expect Grunt to sell well enough, as a member of the O13, as an easy base for other members of the O13, and as a generic troop builder with that Steel Brigade helmet. If he can't sell, there is a problem.

Butterscotch SE is one of the few figures in the line I didn't even give a second thought to. There is nothing redeemable about him, and none of his parts are useful in any custom I'm planning. He's a hard zero. If he's selling well, even if he wasn't full MSRP, that's a good sign.

They learned a long time ago to never finish anything. Or if they do, make sure that the last 2-3 of the group are vastly superior, requiring re-do's on the earlier ones that were sufficient but now suck in comparison. Always leave them wanting more :sneaky:
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
A couple bad news stories:

For Hasbro: Hasbro To Lay Off Almost 20% of its workforce Amid Continued Slumping Toy Sales

I think this was all but inevitable with all the toys that have had to go to Ollie's to get sold (and some that won't even sell there). Between the move from toys to devices for kids these days and the crap economy since Covid/Biden, I'd guess we'll see other toy companies doing the same or more in the near future. Will the smaller ones survive at all?

For Super7: Super7's G.I. Joe ReAction Cobra Mothership Campaign Fails To Get Funded

I'm not surprised, particularly for the Super7 Mothership. That's not exactly something collectors are clamoring for.
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"Big Guns"
With shipping, the mothership was $600... and the problem is that ReAction never appealed to hardcore Joe fans. ReAction is for casual pop-culture fans who don't care about articulation or character breadth. And casual fans wouldn't drop $600 on something like that. Even if it was a Haslab for 4" Joes, it would have to be more detailed and have a lot more features to justify that price. Too many of us remember buying BMFs on clearance for $59 to pony up cash like that for something of similar size and play value. I always thought it was doomed, not because it was a bad idea, but because it wasn't designed/marketed to the right crowd.

As for the layoffs... while it's sad, I'm not sure it will affect Joe in any meaningful way. Joe never had a huge presence at B&M stores, so by definition it couldn't have been a big letdown. And I think it sells well at places where stock rotates well enough. I suspect that a big chunk of those cuts are in:

1) The ML tv/movie tie-in department. Eternals and D+ have produced some real clunkers on the screen that translated into clunkers in the toy aisle. And it's a catch-22 when walmart demands tie-in toys and doesn't want to support comic-themed waves.

2) Power Rangers supposedly has sold like shit. I don't run in those circles, know anyone that collects them, or follow their news, but what little I've overheard accidentally is that PR can't finish any teams, keeps pumping out the same characters from the original series, and doesn't understand what their fans want (sound familiar?).

3) Star Wars has the same problem as ML. Nothing but tie-in toys for clunker D+ series, and that's left stores with nothing but tie-in figures nobody wants and nine flavors of Lando for some reason. Multiple Haslabs that failed miserably didn't help matters either.

4) Indiana Jones... the new movie didn't generate much buzz, and the line was seemingly only carried by Pulse and Target. It contained 26 figures, ten (?) of which were Indy. They leaked and then recanted the design for MolaRam from ToD... because it might hurt the feelings of people from remote parts of India? And there were zero german, russian, arab, or native jungle people troopbuilders... because feelings. Go Woke, Go Broke, Disney!

If anything, Joe is showing that in-house properties are worth the trouble. Joe is in the sweet spot: no license fees, plenty of accessory budget, zero licensor interference/ approval needed, enthusiastic fan base, non-movie-tie-in figures sell better than the media-related ones, three successful haslabs (two of which funded in record time), AND they can still license the property out to people like Super7.

I'm not sure what a property could be asked to do, aside from just appealing more to the international crowd. If there are cuts, I'd be hard pressed to think the Joe team would ever feel it, as aside from evergreen TFs, they're about the only thing going right in the boy aisle for hasbro.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
The Eel double spear/prod gun arrived. He's complete now. It's a very nice piece, true to the original, solid and almost a little oversized, especially compared to the MP7 I got for Shockwave.

I think SW will ultimately end up with Airborne's pistol caliber carbine, as that should be a little better fit than the underwhelming little MP7, and fairly similar to his original subgun w/ suppressor.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I love it! Makes a lot of sense for a high volume customized like yourself. I wonder how hard it is to scan and scale up classic accessories?


"Big Guns"
Scanning seems imprecise, especially if you're going to increase the size. Probably easier to CAD them up yourself or spend $5 on the cad files someone else has already made. Now, if you're taking a 1/6 head and making it into 1/12 or something, THAT would be worth scanning.

My dad really wants a 3D printer. My real hesitation is that I KNOW he won't learn how to use it or learn any CAD software. So we'll get it, and he'll dream up a million little brackets and holders and mechanical gee-gaws, and then I'll end up being his 24-7 CAD bitch. "I need you to do this one little thing and I don't have time to learn" or "I need this one little thing and you could just spit it out in no time..."

BUT it'll always be the wrong material, or it'll need to be 2.3% larger, or I was really hoping I could get it in LIGHT blue so I didn't have to paint it. He doesn't even know he does it. My mom spoils him so royally, he has no clue how utterly demanding he is.

If it was just me and making Classified accessories and dio pieces, I'd be all over it. But I'd spend half my life making inane brackets or arguing that it's not suitable to make him a new bumper for his Subaru.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Oh no. Yeah, no need for a second job for you! I noticed that I became the IT guy for my parents when they finally got a computer (and anything else electronic). As they got older, I found that they always had something they needed help with every time I’d go over or they came over. It actually made me less excited to go see them, as there was always a list. And they really got comfortable expecting it. So I totally get the apprehension.


"Big Guns"
Oh no. Yeah, no need for a second job for you! I noticed that I became the IT guy for my parents when they finally got a computer (and anything else electronic). As they got older, I found that they always had something they needed help with every time I’d go over or they came over. It actually made me less excited to go see them, as there was always a list. And they really got comfortable expecting it. So I totally get the apprehension.
As an engineer, I'm kinda used to it. I've been the IT guy since the mid-90's. But still... it does feel like an extra job sometimes. Even at home, I know that when my wife and kids enter my home office, it's not to ask me about my day or offer me cake. It's because they have a problem I'm expected to fix with great speed and enthusiasm.

My inlaws are the same way as your parents. I see them once a year, and boy do they have a list, and you're 100% right, it definitely blunts your enthusiasm to visit. I spend every holiday getting the ransomeware off someone's laptop or installing software on a machine that is too slow for it. For years, there was never a pop-up they wouldn't click!

But my dad, as he slows down, is more and more dependent, while still having a lot of *big* ideas... and more than happy to let me do everything technical... which is funny because he admits he hated it when that burden fell to him years ago. It's fine at the office, but I know it'll bleed into a lot of free time as well. On some level it sounds selfish that I don't want to help him out... on the other hand, I don't want to be his hobby helper-monkey at the expense of my down time. I try to draw boundaries, but when you work together and live across the street, it gets pretty blurry sometimes.

BUT, a good commercial 3D printer would be nice... :sneaky:


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Yep, saw way too many of those these past couple months - now for 33% off the $5 Ollie’s price and still warming shelves… 🤣

No wonder they couldn’t sell them for $20+ originally. Some seriously lame figures from a seriously lame movie.


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
IMG_7873.jpegI’m not a fan of 6 inch figures in the slightest vein, but have bought my grandsons a couple like Duke and Flint which they never play with. They’re always selecting the smaller 1/18 ish figures and vehicles for their wars. I picked up a falcon as well and forgot about it until recently when I bought a custom sculpt from Spartan 118, he also does 1/12. My hobbies include RC toys and a recent sale allowed me to buy Rochobby’s 1/12 Willys Jeep 🙂 And nothing irks me more than a detailed RC vehicle without a driver 😉


  • IMG_7884.jpeg
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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
IMG_8072.jpeg Alright, here it is! Roc Hobby 1/12 RC 1941 Willys with a classified figure in it. Tight fit but doable for the time being until I cobble together my “GI Joe” driver for this vehicle.
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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2018
The figure is slightly higher than a normal person would be but driving around the horse pen looked pretty cool. Of course the horses were in another pen or they’d have probably stomped it into oblivion 😂


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
You might consider trying to pick up a Tunnel Rat figure, as he’s a little smaller than most. Looks great though!
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
FYI, I learned today that this cap on Nick Fury is removable... for all your tactical Shipwreck needs.

So he might be worth picking up on clearance or grabbing the head from Mercari. Anything's easier than trying to extract the cap from a Lowlight head.

View attachment 16550
Looks like that’s what this fellow used for his custom (on Mercari):
I love the idea in concept, but I don’t think I have the tools or talent to do the cutting, grafting and painting I’d need to do. That said, I’d happily pay the price of a fig to get just a head like that with a black watch cap.


"Big Guns"
I'm going to give it a shot, see if I can use the sailor hat scalp as a base or if I have to ruin a full head of hair.

Also, Mutt & Junk came in this past week, but I haven't checked them out yet. I'm very behind on opening things. Still haven't cracked open the HISS from before x-mas. Been moving into the new office at work, and that's been taking up my weekends too. Almost there!

EDIT: You couldn't do worse than the guy in the pic. He didn't cut the hair to match the outline of the cap, and he didn't use primer when he painted, as you can see that the hat used to be red. While it's a good idea, I think even a novice customizer could execute the plan better than that dude.

Once I've determined it's as easy as I think it'll be, you can send me a fury cap and I'll attach it to some shipwreck hair for you. I should have spares.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Mutt & Junkyard are great, particularly with the substitution of one of Shockwave’s sub guns and a suppressor! One of my favorites from the line for sure. I will likely substitute a non-gloved right hand if I come into an extra one, but that’s my only (very minor) nitpick.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
So, while I typically avoid Tarjay for the most part, where I happen to be, the options are rather limited. So I found myself at a very large Target and this is what I ran across:
Over 2 dozen trash panda Flints, a couple green Dustys and a couple classic Fireflys for $7.50 each. I grabbed a FF to get the sub gun for Shockwave and to finish out my “ultimate” Firefly.

They also had a few each of PP Trouble Bubble, Copperhead and Vipra (who thought it was a good idea to make her before Jinx anyway?) at regular price. I don’t think I’d buy any one of those, even when they inevitably go on clearance in a couple months.

While I have no love for Tarjay, they must be realizing by now that the got sold a bill of goods on the TF/PP exclusives. I suppose that, among other reasons, they earned that with previously awful handling of their exclusives.

But if anyone has a weird affection for the lamest figs in the line to date (or has found some way to scavenge their parts for better customs), check your clearance aisles at your local Targets.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Once I've determined it's as easy as I think it'll be, you can send me a fury cap and I'll attach it to some shipwreck hair for you. I should have spares.
Wow! Thanks for that! I’ll see what I can find on Mercari.