Banner Theme Suggestions


Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011

Yeah scary for October

Please clarify - just scary or are we having a blood requirement?

Would hate to burn up another plastic bridge with a candle for a pic that doesn't qualify because I overlooked the fake blood requirement.


Disgruntled Goat
Aug 6, 2012
NYS- Finger Lakes
I thought October was supposed to have a Halloween theme.

Should be talking about November's at this point. I suggest something pertinent to Veteran's Day- parade scene, treaty signing (Armistice Day), etc


Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011
I've created a banner thread for October. waiting to be modified.

Any chance we can get the Founders to get together and decide what we can do for the site? I know life can get busy, but it feels like there aren't enough folks around here to push items like we used to have.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
Ya I tried to post a vote for the theme to the Oct thread, but then forgot it had to be approved in that section & never saw it get published.

Technically I posted a banner for Sept, (Which didn't fit into the Aug theme) but it was basically a similar picture to what's up there now.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I've created a banner thread for October. waiting to be modified.

Any chance we can get the Founders to get together and decide what we can do for the site? I know life can get busy, but it feels like there aren't enough folks around here to push items like we used to have.

We lost MW and Medd. They used to bust their hump around here daily.


A pirate's life for me!
Mar 14, 2011
Orlando, FL
I was hoping there would be another contest. Maybe I can just grab the 2nd runner up from last year's contest and use that.


A pirate's life for me!
Mar 14, 2011
Orlando, FL
Okay, I just posted two. From now on if there is no contest I will just start using the banners from last years based upon the month we are in.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
Originally Posted by Videoviper View Post
How about we post the themes 2 or 3 months out.

We already know Oct is going to be Halloween themed.

Gives us lazy bastards time to work up something..

^^^^^Wut he said.

Hey I think this may work.

BTW I got photoshop back on my computer, so I will be working on this again.


Officer X
Jul 16, 2014
Center Moriches, NY
If there's no contest, can't you just do an open call for banners? Then we can vote on those, or you just pick.

Or, like VideoViper reminds us, you could just post a list of themes and due dates if that's easier than remembering each month.


Feb 3, 2013

February: FFA (free for all)

March: Army Force (soldiers, tanks, armor, jeeps, ATVs, etc)

April: forced perspective (use of the forced perspective technique)

May: star wars (figures, vehicles, etc)

June: rescue or under attack (helicopter rescue, ambrush rescue, under attack protection, etc.)

July: liberty or nationalism (independence, freedom, raising the flag, extreme nationalism, comrades, etc)

August: insurgency (bad boys, Taliban's, cobras, etc)

September: air force (airport, dogfight, bombing, helo deployment, just flying, paratroopers, etc)

October: bloody month (war wounds, psico killer, etc)

November: sea force (boats, sailors, subs, divers, etc)

December: Meeting (Christmas meeting, soldiers meeting, drugs/narcos meeting, etc)

Other month options:
Option 1: gi joe month
Option 2: another FFA
Option 3: sabotage

Those are some options
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gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
I like all of those ideas except for the November one simply because water that time year could be very cold or even frozen for a lot of members.


Officer Club
Aug 15, 2012
Behind a camera watching you!
I'm good with Feb being a free for all

Blood will weight in when he gets back. :trollface:

couple of ideas I liked in the past.

Using Multiple toy lines.
forced perspective is good, but requires more participation than we currently have.

If no entries pick either a runner up from the year before or random poll of didn't win 2nd chance banners.

This is really one of the things I like about this sight & would love to get more participation.


Feb 3, 2013
Updated proposal for a year:

February, 2016
(Free For All)
Do whatever you want, all works, Fighting 1:18 wants your shots!
Easy, don’t you think that?
Just take your lazy ass and move now to take some pics!!!!
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Monday 25th, January, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th, January. Both days included.

March, 2016
“Ground Forcesâ€￾
(soldiers, tanks, armor, jeeps, ATVs, etc)
Tank battles, soldiers fighting, searching for bad boys, convoys, military base, snipers, AT-ST on search, HISS mooving, all that works, just show your Ground Forces.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Tuesday 23th February, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Thursday 25th to Sunday 28th, February. Both days included.

April, 2016
“Forced Perspectiveâ€￾
(use of the forced perspective technique)
Mix the real world with toys or mixed scales but the rule…. All must look in the same scale.
Must be shown the backstage.
Photoshop: allowed but not to get the forced perspective effect.
Dead Line: Friday 25th March, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Sunday 27th to Wednesday 30th, March. Both days included.

May, 2016
“Star Wars or Gi Joe or Multiple Toy Lines/brandsâ€￾
(figures, vehicles, etc)
If you like Star Wars, just try to win because will be a hard fight against Gi Joes fans and Other Brands fans to take the banner for a month.
Who will take it?
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Sunday 24th April, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Tuesday 26th to Friday 29th, April. Both days included.

June, 2016
“Rescue or under attackâ€￾
(helicopter rescue, ambrush rescue, under attack protection, etc.)
Your soldiers are under attack, give them protection, try to save them.
But if the warriors get a bullet, rescue him and do a great extraction.
Show a rescue procedure or make us feel your boys are under attack.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Wednesday 25th May, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Friday 27th to Monday 30th, May. Both days included.

July, 2016
“Liberty or nationalismâ€￾
(independence, freedom, raising the flag, extreme nationalism, comrades, etc)
Get the liberty, move away of your country those bad boys, take his leader, rise the flag, and show you have freedom on some way. Also get out of a prison will work.
To show nationalism you can show force and power, like a perfect Nazi army ready to march, a lot of tanks and jeeps, a flag and any way to show the power of the Army and the weapons. Anything that shows nationalism will work.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Friday 24th June, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Sunday 26th to Wednesday 29th, June. Both days included.

August, 2016
(bad boys, Taliban's, cobras, etc)
They don’t like you, they don’t want to see you walk free and happy on the streets, they are crazy and want to scare the population.
You can show them fighting against soldiers, taking hostages, getting a reward from unknown people, moving in a convoy, getting bombed, as a suicide attacker, … can decide which will be the banner of August.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Monday 25th July, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th, July. Both days included.

September, 2016
“Naval Forcesâ€￾
(boats, sailors, subs, divers, etc)
It’s time to get wet,
Underwater photos, or boats in a ride, also works a dock with boats, or Seals coming out from the water…
Just show how good you can be getting wet…
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Thursday 25th August, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Saturday 27th to Tuesday 30th, August. Both days included.

October, 2016
“Red Octoberâ€￾
(war wounds, psico killer, etc)
Your boys are getting wounded…to dead
Insurgents cutting the throat to hostages,
A killer taking the prey,
An explosion with body parts going away
or whatever like that just show something scaring.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Saturday 24th September, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Monday 26th to Thursday 29th, September. Both days included.

November, 2016
“Air Forcesâ€￾
(airport, dogfight, bombing, helo deployment, just flying, paratroopers, etc)
Here we got many options,
If you like WWII, just move out your fighters and do a Dogfight
But if you don’t want a dogfight, you can take out a bomber mission, or maybe only show a flying plane.
Helicopters can be deploying soldiers, doing a pick up or just flying.
You also can build an airfield to show your power.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Tuesday 25th October, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th, October. Both days included.

December, 2016
(Christmas meeting, soldiers meeting, drugs/narcos meeting, any bad boys meeting, etc)
Here we have two lines for this end year good or bad boys,
You can have a business meeting, people giving gift to each other, narcos giving drugs for money, Arms smugglers getting money on a trade or a family giving gift to each other.
Are bad boys meeting going to win against a good boys meeting????
Just try your best and let’s see which side will choose the forum.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Thursday 24th November, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Saturday 26th to Tuesday 29th, November. Both days included.

January, 2017
“Explosive Beginning,… or the Spin-Off: Sabotageâ€￾

Here we go with something hot to start the year, you can get the explosion moment or a bomber getting ready to bomb something, a saboteur, a rocket approaching to the target, also artillery or tanks firing , jeeps or armor getting hit,….. whatever you choose, just show a hot start.
Photoshop: allowed
Dead Line: Sunday 25th December, don’t take it personally but after that date you are out!!!
Voting from Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th, December. Both days included.

Remember, this is only a proposal
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