Boss Fight Studios


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I only pre-ordered, so I'm probably near the bottom. Nothing I ordered was even in the first shipment. Going by past experience with how toy companies roll, I'm thinking the back half of May before I get a shipping notice.

Which sucks, as I need to get a head shrunk to fit the bitch blank.


Apr 11, 2015
A pic from Justin to show the ease of headswapping:


Turtlenap, Hanger Alpha
Mar 29, 2011
I was thinking the other day how cool it might be to combine some of the HACKS figures with the old large Inhumanoids figures Metlar, Decompose and that green tentacle guy.

-Skeletons with Decompose
-Molten rock guys with Metlar
-Medusas with the tentacle guy


Officer III
Sep 12, 2011
Cool and easy Pegasus too. One Indy horse with some MU Angel wings I'd wager.


Apr 11, 2015
A list of needed Greek HACKS (mostly) repaint variants:
Stone&Bronze&Magma Amazon
Stone&Bronze&Magma Gorgon
Stone PostCurse Medusa (didn't she turn to stone in CotT once beheaded, then the head reanimated once directed at the Kraken?)
Underworld Spartan, Athenian, or best yet Myrmidon
Celestial Amazon
'Living' Ghost SnakeLady, with a new snake deco suitable for armybuilding
Amazon Disciple of Eurayle
'Living' Perseus, with maybe some new winged sandaled feet

...and that's all I can think of that would be fairly easy repaints for Greeks 2.0.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I just watched clips on YT, and they don't show her turning to stone in CotT ('81). Her eyes do open when she turns the Kraken. Don't take any of that as me siding against them doing it.

What I really want is them to say "Fuck fantasy, space and mystery wave 4" and give us Romans/gladiators. Hell, I'd be happy as a pig in shit for accessory packs, which is all we really need.


Apr 11, 2015
I'm down with Romans (esp a wolf-pelt Standard Bearer and gladiators), but it'd be a business mistake to get pigeon-holed as solely a Classical History toyline. And what mythological monsters would Romans go up against?

And fwiw, they've said they plan for Theme 4 to be Western. But that's still possible to change, imho.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
So basically all the pitfalls that can come with combining parts from different lines.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I'm thinking the same. I've even got plans for a color buck that doesn't technically exist.

While you're at it, Drop, grab an Acid Rain figure and marvel at a figure that can fire a gun in the air and actually look where it's aiming. :D


Apr 11, 2015
I'm thinking the same. I've even got plans for a color buck that doesn't technically exist.

...yet. The Blanks are to be kept in permanent stock, with colors rotated as stock depletes. They've added a lot of Blanks not offered in the KS campaign already.

While you're at it, Drop, grab an Acid Rain figure and marvel at a figure that can fire a gun in the air and actually look where it's aiming. :D
The MicroMan figures could do it.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Yes, but they're simple sculpts largely devoid of detail. And fiddly to boot.

Boss Fight cock-teased me when they inadvertently posted the white female buck on the pre-order page.


Apr 11, 2015
My figures are due today!!! They better hurry up as I'm not sure my dick can withstand all this expectant fapping.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
So, what other 1:18 female heads scale best with the Gorgon torsos?


Apr 11, 2015
There haven't been a lot of pics of the Gorgon's inner tail skeleton, so have some. The 'bones' are a series of pop'em ball sockets, alternating double-headed male/male and female/female. Each socket allows for greater than 180° swing in one axis and about 70° in the cross-axis, and you can get a very tight coil by rotating the sockets to bend in their greater axis. The waist ring of each bone has an alignment notch to keep the scaled cylinder facing properly forward, but it's rubbery enough that it can be spun around the bone to allow the Gorgon to always have her belly scales to the ground no matter which way the bones are spun around to bend. The retention rings are wisely all the same diameter, so the scale cylinders can be swapped around. If you're planning to double-up a tail's length, since each scale cylinder is progressively smaller on alternating bones; the added tail segments will need to have their scale cylinders swapped around so you don't end up trying to connect same-gender connectors together to maintain the progression of ensmallened segments.



Apr 11, 2015
So, what other 1:18 female heads scale best with the Gorgon torsos?

They're nicely Joe-sized torsos, and the snake heads are a bit larger than human chick heads. You'll have to try your coice out, but you shouldn't have big problems finding one you like. Socket size, that's a whole 'nother issue.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I'm having a 1:12 head shrunken and cast, so getting the scale right is more important than carving the socket.


Apr 11, 2015
These BFS heads, including the dudes and Medusa'a under her snake wig, are a smidge bigger than typical Hasbro heads - but I like it since I think Hasbro heads are universally too small. The only 18th line of late to get head size right were the BnB wrestlers, imho.


Apr 11, 2015
Okay, I've had these figures for a couple of days and it's time for a review. Ultimately, all this stuff is exactly what it presents itself as: the work of very talented and very dedicated first-time toy makers.

The Bad:
I'll start with the bad just to get it out of the way. I notice a bit more 'seam flashing' than I'd think is normal, where plastic oozes out beyond the seams where the mold halves come together. My understanding of the casting process is that this happens when molds have been in use so long that they've warped and deformed due to the heat and pressure of repeatedly being banged together over time. I don't see this much on the Gorgons or any of the three Spartans, but it's prevalent on the two Blanks. One of the Orange's ankles was entirely buried in plastic with just the peg exposed and about half of the Blank ankles had it to some degree. This is not a huge or crippling issue like it'd be if the joint was insufficiently molded, as it simply takes a second of x-actoing to trim away. But I'm surprised to see it so much in the first set of items. I've no real idea how many male figures have been cast out for this production run, nor why the Blanks would suffer it more; but maybe they've simply run off so many figures already that the molds are already at their limit and new molds need to be done.

Also, I'd like to see the ankle pegs sink just a tad bit deeper into the lower calf. Many of the MU figures suffer from shallow ankle pegs and trying to push the ankle hinge just pushes the peg around in the swivel socket as it's weaker than the hinge, even after that's been cracked. None of these HACKS are as bad as any of the MUs with this issue, but it's an issue that I've come to detest about Hasbro's laziness on that line and I don't like seeing it here.

The narrowness of the aperture of the shield handles and the difficulty getting the male hands in there have been mentioned before, and I agree. Thankfully it's not insurmountable and none of the figures suffer paint scrape since none of the hands are painted, but it should be looked at for future shields.

And that's about it for The Bad.

The Good:
Firstly, the figures are simply *cool*. Cool to look at both kitted-up and stripped bare, cool to play with both in posing up for pic-taking and simply fiddlin' around as hand candy. They're cooler than a penguin's balls in winter, man.

I *love* the physique on the dudes and what we see so far of the babes. The influence of the classical sculptural arts is obvious. The dudes have beautiful proportions (yay for calves shorter than thighs and no more feet behind the ass when squatting!) and musculature.

The range of motion at every joint is large and smoothly-working. There is some difficulty cracking the ankles and wrists, but no problems afterwards. The upper neck ball doesn't have much movement due to the neck width fitting snugly to the bottom of the head, but the lower neck ball has so much movement you'll never notice. The moob joint is simply awesome.

The paint is very good, although there are a few instances of tampo-prints being off a bit, and my Spartan looks to be missing the white sclera in his right eye. But it's very rich everywhere and appears very durable.

Ideas for the Future:
Here's stuff I'd like to see in years to come, the sooner the better.
Hand sets. I dig the extra feet/boots the Blanks come with, and the swappable hands everyone comes with; but a figure's expressiveness is rooted in its poseability - and its hands. The MicroMan MicroForce line had a minimum of six pairs of hands with every figure in the line, some with twelve. A pair of fists, karate chop/flying/swimming flats, trigger-fingered, as well as the bi-axised grabbers. To give us Superdude masked heads and boots but no fists with the Blanks is tantamount to a crime against humanity (assuming toy collectors can be considered 'human', of course).

I noticed both pockets of the Blank baggie can hold a figure, so I thought there might be some appeal in 'Adam & Eve' Blank 2packs of just figures. We're given so many heads with single Blanks we'll never be able to use without extra bodies that maybe extra bodies can have some appeal. I wouldn't offer them headless, but rather with a featureless head like the MaterialForce figures had.

I'd like to see additional body sizes introduced in portions. Again, like the MicroMan line did with putting a larger chest and arms on the regular Male to make the AcroMedalG big bruiser, and how they introduced the females with three different bust-sized chests. I think the chest used for the Gorgons would correspond to the 'Tig Ol' Bitties' MicroLady, so I'd love to see HACKBlanks with the smaller C- and A-cup chests.

I had been thinking the inner handle piece of the shields were going to be removable so they could be spun around to allow for right-handed carrying. I know right-handed shield carrying wasn't the norm for any culture at any time, but enabling that for future shields would still be cool, imho.

I'd love to get an accessory set of swappable Gorgon heads so all of them can be shown either open- or closed-mouth, even Medusa. I don't think it's necessary for the three sisters, though.


Apr 11, 2015
Woots! Here's my first attempt at customizing one of these bits of badness: painting the mouths of the six spitting hairsnakes Medusa has.



Apr 11, 2015
A fellow collector from (I believe) Argentina was asking for a size comparison pic of a HACK with a Joe, and I thought others might appreciate comparisons with other figures as well.