G.I.*JOE comics discussion


Mar 14, 2011
I posted this in the other comic thread too.

Looking to maybe get the DDP Nok declassfied series on clearance. Has anybody read it? Is it worth it?


Mar 14, 2011
I read all of them. But I'm not interested in the new "future noir" series. The IDW Cobra series was really well done, except for the Scoop storyline, that just got weird. But truning Chuckles into something between Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, and Sam Axe was pretty fantastic.

The newer Hama stuff has not been great, in my opinion... it's like watching Episodes I,II, and III. Yeah, it's Star Wars, but at the same time it isn't. If that makes any sense.

I've only read Cobra 1 and 2, the first runs, not since it's become a series. I really want to but I'm waiting for a trade.

As for arah, I've only checked out 155 1/2 since they came back. Waiting for a really good storyline, then I will pick them up and catch up.


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I posted this in the other comic thread too.

Looking to maybe get the DDP Nok declassfied series on clearance. Has anybody read it? Is it worth it?

It's not bad, and probably the most thorogh treatment of Zartan ever written. I didn't think it was as good as the G.I. Joe declassified series, but it was still fairly good. If the price is right, you might enjoy reading it.


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I've only read Cobra 1 and 2, the first runs, not since it's become a series. I really want to but I'm waiting for a trade.

As for arah, I've only checked out 155 1/2 since they came back. Waiting for a really good storyline, then I will pick them up and catch up.

The Cobra series really is worth your time and money, it's not just a great Joe series, but, with the exception of the Scoop story, it may be one of the best stories in comics I've read in a while. It's like DC has just been phoning it in for monthes now... even Geoff Johns, maybe he's overworked.

As for the ARAH series... it's really not that great. It's gotten better - a little - but not by much. I don't quite know how to explain it. To tell the truth, there was plenty of old ARAH issues that weren't good... much after issue 120 was pretty terrible. The new stuff is maybe not quite as bad as issues 120+, but their not as good as issues 1-100. I read mostly for nostalgia and because it's the classic continuity... I prefer it to the new IDW continuity.
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Mar 14, 2011
It's not bad, and probably the most thorogh treatment of Zartan ever written. I didn't think it was as good as the G.I. Joe declassified series, but it was still fairly good. If the price is right, you might enjoy reading it.

Thanks. I think i'm going to pick it up


Mar 14, 2011
The Cobra series really is worth your time and money, it's not just a great Joe series, but, with the exception of the Scoop story, it may be one of the best stories in comics I've read in a while. It's like DC has just been phoning it in for monthes now... even Geoff Johns, maybe he's overworked.

As for the ARAH series... it's really not that great. It's gotten better - a little - but not by much. I don't quite know how to explain it. To tell the truth, there was plenty of old ARAH issues that weren't good... much after issue 120 was pretty terrible. The new stuff is maybe not quite as bad as issues 120+, but their not as good as issues 1-100. I read mostly for nostalgia and because it's the classic continuity... I prefer it to the new IDW continuity.

Yea. I'm mainly just waiting for a more convienant way to read them. I don't want to spend $4 a issue and plan on just getting trades so it's easier to read.

I agree. 120-155 was awful! Is the Cobra series still going or did it end?


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
Yea. I'm mainly just waiting for a more convienant way to read them. I don't want to spend $4 a issue and plan on just getting trades so it's easier to read.

I agree. 120-155 was awful! Is the Cobra series still going or did it end?

Yeah, but they're doing this whole Cobra Civil War storyline right now... works like this:
The main title: G.I. Joe is still going
Origens stopped and became "Snake-Eyes"... I let you guess what that one's about
And Cobra is still going.
ARAH is still going.

The first 3 (G.I. Joe, Snake-Eyes, and Cobra) are all in the IDW continuity... and they are basically all the same story just focusing on different parts of the war. The 3 titles are more interconnected now than they have ever been. So really, for 3 weeks out of every month, we get the next episode of the Cobra Civil War... it's like how they used to do the 4 Superman titles back in the early 90's around the time they killed Superman.

ARAH just stands on it's own, and my understanding is that it's not selling very well.

Overall, I just think it's funny how Hasbro yanked the licence from DDP and gave it to IDW. Let's go from one inexperienced small time publisher to another inexperienced small time publisher! Yeah, that'll fix it! I think Mike Costa is writing Cobra, but I'd have to check. Whoever it is, he's the only one earning the price of the comicbook. I just wish some comicbook writers would understand the military and really take the time to figure out how it works before trying to write this stuff. I feel the same way about Geoff Johns on Green Lantern - He doesn't understand the first thing about Fighter Pilots and that whole culture... so he doesn't understand Hal Jordan... and he doesn't understand what it would be like to be apart of an elite unit like the Green Lanterns. So it ends up with plot holes you could drive through, and all the characters act like emo teenagers.


Mar 14, 2011

so I would have to read all 3 books to understand whats going on? argh! There is no way in hell that I'm gonna read the SE book lol. How long is the civil war planned for?


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA

so I would have to read all 3 books to understand whats going on? argh! There is no way in hell that I'm gonna read the SE book lol. How long is the civil war planned for?

I think it's going on through December, but I may be mistaken. It's going to be pretty long, I think. Evidently, this was IDW's last ditch effort to make this work. Their books weren't selling well, and this Cobra Civil War has boosted their sales quite a bit... so they're milking it for all they can.

Actually, I don't mind the Snake-Eyes book. I don't dislike Snake-Eyes; I just don't like it when he dominates every issue so much that we never see anyone else. So it's kind of nice that he gets his own book and that means the other books can focus on everyone else. What irritates me most about the Snake-Eyes book is that suddenly this new girl "Helix" who should be Chaptered out of the Army for being mentally handicapped is basically the IDW continuity's verison of a Turbo-charged Scarlett. While IDW Scarlett has turned into some kind of weak, computer nerd girl. It's just sad. ARAH Scarlett was SO much better... so were all the ARAH characters. We hardly ever even see Flint, and so many of the others... and when we do, they're just not themselves. Duke is the new Star... it's like ARAH Snake-Eyes with dialong, and that's even more annoying.


Mar 14, 2011
Actually, I don't mind the Snake-Eyes book. I don't dislike Snake-Eyes; I just don't like it when he dominates every issue so much that we never see anyone else. So it's kind of nice that he gets his own book and that means the other books can focus on everyone else. What irritates me most about the Snake-Eyes book is that suddenly this new girl "Helix" who should be Chaptered out of the Army for being mentally handicapped is basically the IDW continuity's verison of a Turbo-charged Scarlett. While IDW Scarlett has turned into some kind of weak, computer nerd girl. It's just sad. ARAH Scarlett was SO much better... so were all the ARAH characters. We hardly ever even see Flint, and so many of the others... and when we do, they're just not themselves. Duke is the new Star... it's like ARAH Snake-Eyes with dialong, and that's even more annoying.

yuck! haha, I will check it out eventually

MW check Amazon, I got my copy for less than $5 shipped

I will. Thanks


Mar 14, 2011
Thinking about reading the marvel run again. It's been awhile. I started to a few years ago but stopped around 100. I think I'm gonna start at 100 this time and try and get thru 155 lol


Apr 12, 2011
Good luck with that, man. :rolleyes: It's tough to read that without thinking bad thoughts against Hama.

I just read the whole Marvel run about 5 months ago, it was fun (if somewhat painful at the end). I'm thinking about reading the DDP run soon. I don't think I ever finished that series.

I'm currently reading the original 1960s run of X-Men...maybe when I finish that.


Mar 14, 2011
Good luck with that, man. :rolleyes: It's tough to read that without thinking bad thoughts against Hama.

I just read the whole Marvel run about 5 months ago, it was fun (if somewhat painful at the end). I'm thinking about reading the DDP run soon. I don't think I ever finished that series.

I'm currently reading the original 1960s run of X-Men...maybe when I finish that.

yea, I'm sure it will be painfull. I only have a few of the ddp's. didn't like them as much


Apr 12, 2011
I frankly just remember Flint being unbearably angry and moody all the time.

I do have to give some credit to DDP, though. Hunting down those issues is what got me back into comics after a 15-year break.


Mar 14, 2011
I frankly just remember Flint being unbearably angry and moody all the time.

I do have to give some credit to DDP, though. Hunting down those issues is what got me back into comics after a 15-year break.

Yea I hadn't read a comic since the mid 90's until a few years ago when I got digital comics of the complete marvel run and some ddp stuff. That got me to go and get the first Cobra trade then.


Duff Beer Mascot
Jun 19, 2011
Is there anyone looking to complete there Marvel 1-155 run of GI Joe? I have about 30 available for sale or trade. Ones that are more popular and harder to get like 27, 55, 100, 127, 144, 150, 152.

I am looking for myself comic numbers 139, 149, 154


Mar 14, 2011
Is there anyone looking to complete there Marvel 1-155 run of GI Joe? I have about 30 available for sale or trade. Ones that are more popular and harder to get like 27, 55, 100, 127, 144, 150, 152.

I am looking for myself comic numbers 139, 149, 154

I got them all as digitial scans. If you want the scans of those numbers I would be happy to help you.


Duff Beer Mascot
Jun 19, 2011
I got them all as digitial scans. If you want the scans of those numbers I would be happy to help you.

thanks man but i really want these last 3 comics in paper just to have a complete set. as far as reading goes i actually would like digital scans of all the comics that would be nice.


Apr 12, 2011
How new is "new"? You talking about pre-Cobra Civil War stuff, too?


Pre-Civil War (the initial IDW launch), each series can really be read pretty much independently. And I would recommend you read each series straight though when you can..otherwise, some of the plots can seem to drag.

1) Cobra (the best of the three). Starts with a 4 issue limited series. Then a 2nd 4-issue "limited series" (called Cobra II) that got extended and lasted 13 more issues. Most highly recommended.

2) GI Joe (the main series). There is a minor cross-over with GI Joe: Origins (a Mainframe-centric) issue, but other than that, can be read straight through. At the end of the last issue, they reference an event which happens at the end of Corba II's run, so I would make sure you finish the Cobra series first.

3) GI Joe Origins (pretty much hit or miss...some great issues, and some really awful ones). You can get by if you skip this. All these issues occur before the main series time line, so you can read these in any order. As I said before, there's one cross-over issue involving the origins of Mainframe that ties into the main series (and when you get to that part of the main series, they'll tell you.) Otherwise, you can save this for last...a lot of it is filler.

All three end at the same time to launch Cobra Civil War.
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Apr 12, 2011
Are they labeled differently once the Civil War starts?

The Origins series is finished, and the Snake Eyes begins. The other two series (GI Joe and Cobra) get renumbered back to #1.

They all will have the "Cobra Civil War" banner on top too (I think this event will run until November/December.

Does this make it any more clear?


Apr 12, 2011
The Cobra Civil War Reading Order checklist.

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Apr 12, 2011

Why on God's green earth did they have to make it so complicated?

You obviously don't read a lot of comics. This is par for the course. Try something like Batman, a single man, who currently has something like 5 monthly titles....


Apr 12, 2011
LOL, it gets worse....at least for IDW, their renumbering is just a gimmick to get people to jump back on and sell more issues...next month, DC comics is partially rebooting their universe, meaning that anything you may have read of theirs in the last 35 years or so may or may not have happened as of next month...

...navigating through IDW's Joe run is child's play....


Mar 14, 2011
How new is "new"? You talking about pre-Cobra Civil War stuff, too?


Pre-Civil War (the initial IDW launch), each series can really be read pretty much independently. And I would recommend you read each series straight though when you can..otherwise, some of the plots can seem to drag.

1) Cobra (the best of the three). Starts with a 4 issue limited series. Then a 2nd 4-issue "limited series" (called Cobra II) that got extended and lasted 13 more issues. Most highly recommended.

2) GI Joe (the main series). There is a minor cross-over with GI Joe: Origins (a Mainframe-centric) issue, but other than that, can be read straight through. At the end of the last issue, they reference an event which happens at the end of Corba II's run, so I would make sure you finish the Cobra series first.

3) GI Joe Origins (pretty much hit or miss...some great issues, and some really awful ones). You can get by if you skip this. All these issues occur before the main series time line, so you can read these in any order. As I said before, there's one cross-over issue involving the origins of Mainframe that ties into the main series (and when you get to that part of the main series, they'll tell you.) Otherwise, you can save this for last...a lot of it is filler.

All three end at the same time to launch Cobra Civil War. If/when you pick that up, again the three main series (GI Joe, Cobra, and Snake Eyes) can really be read independently.

fantastic rundown. Thanks!


Apr 12, 2011
Wow.. Cobra I and II were good! Chuckles was pretty cool :)

No doubt, man. If you told me a year ago Chuckles would become a favorite character, I'd tell you to lay off the crack. Now I think he can mop the floor with Bond and Bourne, Hawaiian shirt and all.

All three end at the same time to launch Cobra Civil War. If/when you pick that up, again the three main series (GI Joe, Cobra, and Snake Eyes) can really be read independently.

Disregard this. This past month's issues actually had some plot points and characters cross over among them. So probably best to read according to the above checklist.

FYI, this month's Cobra series (#3) had a couple cartoon-centric Easter Eggs in it. [I'd post the panel, but it's mildly spoilerful].


Mar 15, 2011
I think a lot are confusing the renumbering to mean as a reboot. In fact, it is not a reboot at all in terms of the older issues tying into the current renumbered books. I look as the renumbering to mean up until the Civil War starting. Kind of like the Battle of Yavin in the Star Wars Universe. All things lead up to and go from the point of the Battle of Yavin. There is no reboot and all the history did happen before and after the Battle of Yavin. It was just a simple renumbering outside of the original Marvel/IDW Hama run and the G.I. Joe Origins books.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
its funny that they re-numbered them for Joe...

they are doing something similar for the Transformers...tying everything together...yet they didnt start re-numbering them...they just kept going with the "chaos" logo on the covers...

thats really what i think they shoulda done with Joe...just added "cobra civil war" to the covers but kept the same numbering...kinda confusing, especially for someone who may try and get into the series years from now...the Joe books are all over the place...

i mean, back in the old Marvel run, they didn't re-number them duing the original civil war....they just told that story in the main issues...no biggie...


Apr 12, 2011
They just do the renumbering to encourage people to jump in...thinking that a #1 issue is a good place to start a series. And it seems to have worked...I guess a lot of people have started (or in some cases, re-started) the IDW series with this Civil War event.

I agree it's confusing, though. I am pretty religious about trying to get people to read the first run of Cobra/Cobra II, but I can understand their apprehension when I have to explain to them why there are 3 different #1's in the span of 18 months....


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
might as well just number every issue "#1" :rolleyes:

they were just making too many books that interconnected that i finally threw in the towel and now just read ARAH continuation...

i do miss the art of the other books though...