G.I.*JOE comics discussion


Resident Jarhead
Mar 14, 2011
Old Dominion
I have completly stopped reading the Joe comics. I can't keep up with them! It's turned into an X-men situation; too many titles and too hard for me to keep track of which universe each title is from. I just gave up... Maybe I'll pick up the Hama-written titles when the trades come out, simply as that would be a nice continuation of my original Marvel books.... maybe.


Officer Club
Mar 14, 2011
I do agree that there are a lot of titles out there.

My favorite to date was the Hearts and Minds series. Short, and to the point. I reviewed the first issue when it came out.

My second favorite series was the Noir series. It felt like Renegades (not that I've seen it at all...) but was it's own thing and I felt was well written.

I picked up the first issue of the new run last week. Wasn't too bad. I like how they're taking it all.

My favorite Origins issue was Range Viper. I need to find it in my pile of crap. It was fantastic.


Resident Jarhead
Mar 14, 2011
Old Dominion
I did get all of Heart and Minds, but that was more because of Max Brooks's writing than anything else. It was pretty good.


Officer Club
Mar 14, 2011
That was the main reason I picked it up as well. Add in Antonio Fuso's art and I was quite happy.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Maybe I'll pick up the Hama-written titles when the trades come out, simply as that would be a nice continuation of my original Marvel books.... maybe.

this is what i've been thinking about doing too...i really like(d) the Cobra run too


"Big Guns"
I'm getting them all... but I also get a lot of X-Men books, so the convolutedness of it all doesn't seem too bad by comparison.

If you guys like the Hearts and Minds series, have you picked up the new prose book, Tales from the Cobra Wars? It's edited by Brooks (and I think he writes one of the short stories). Just came out this month.


Mar 15, 2011
If you want a podcast review of Hearts & Minds, check out the newest Star Joes Podcast episode #24. I love that podcast and think that most here would too. It is mainly about G.I. Joe, Star Wars, Transformers and generally everything '80s. I have been listening to that since episode #1 along with Uncanny X-Cast, G.I. Joe Podcast Review and DC Noise. All great choices to get the car trips a little more enjoyable.


Also, the new Cobra Civil War title looks to be very cool in the IDW verse. It is a continuation of the Cobra book after the SPOILER *Commander has been killed by Chuckles.*
Last edited:


"Big Guns"
I listen to Star Joes... I just finished episode 22, and I was actually mentioned in it; I had posted something in their forum about some of my Joe original art by Atkins, and they read it in the show.

I haven't read the zero issue yet, but I have it. Joe stuff always goes to the bottom of my read pile. It gives me motivation to read through my other stuff that I might otherwise postpone to get to the Joe books.


Mar 15, 2011
I listen to Star Joes... I just finished episode 22, and I was actually mentioned in it; I had posted something in their forum about some of my Joe original art by Atkins, and they read it in the show.

I haven't read the zero issue yet, but I have it. Joe stuff always goes to the bottom of my read pile. It gives me motivation to read through my other stuff that I might otherwise postpone to get to the Joe books.

Now that is a great way to see through the Tunnel on finishing your comics. Also, I thought that that was you, however, you never know.


"Big Guns"
It really does work. I read a lot of comics, but some I like more than others. For example, I currently have a love/hate with both Batman and Spider-Man. I have read their books forever, and I have huge runs dating back to the early 1970's for both, but I'm just not into the current direction. I keep getting them because I'm not about to break a 500+ issue run, but I have to sometimes make myself read them. (Dick Grayson is not Batman, and the sooner DC learns this the better...). So, by putting my favorite comics on the bottom (i.e. Joe, Uncanny, New Avengers), I can make sure I don't cherry-pick and get very behind on some titles.

It was me. I'm the ubiquitous nacho. I'm on the CGS forums a lot because one of our Bat-Radia forums is there too along with Star Joes.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Okay, I know this existed pre-reboot here, but I couldn't find it...

If it is somewhere, let me know and I can merge it.

Anyways, this is the G.I. Joe comic discussion thread. Marvel, Devil's Due, DDP, past, present, future, doesn't matter. Discuss away.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
So I'm on Marvel Issue #56 of the ARAH TPB, and in the end it says "the Snake Eyes story will be continued in the G.I. Joe Yearbook blah blah"... I flipped forward to the other issues and didn't see it printed, so is that part of the special missions books, or what? Where is the "Yearbook" set reprinted? Anywhere?

Fogger will probably know best, but I'm going to put it out there for anyone who can help.


Apr 12, 2011
Hey, MR.

There were 4 GI Joe Yearbooks, (the equivalent of other comic titles' Annual) printed by Marvel back in the day. Some of the material in it was filler: it gave an pretty detailed review about what happened in the Joe comics up to that point, and well as print fleshed out "filecards" on the characters. But each Yearbook also had an original full-length story and a shorter several page story.

As far as I know, there have been no reprints of the Yearbooks, either by Marvel or by IDW, and I don't think they plan on reprinting them any time soon.

If you want to read the story, you'll have to hunt down the original floppies.

It may be worth the effort, though, there's some good stories in there. One story was dedicated to the Oktober Guard, and the other (which I think you're looking for) is a dialogue-less ninja battle like Silent Interlude.

I may be able to help you out. PM sent.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Charade's hitting me up with something that may work... I'm downloading it now.

I'm fine with buying the printed versions in TPB, I was just pissed that I got to a crossroad in the story where it was like "please check a volume that we don't print for the exciting conclusion!"

Clearly Snake Eyes makes it out fine, but I still wanna know the ending.

BTW, thanks Charade, I'll let you know how the thing turns out. I'm downloading some pics now, so I'll check that out after the sun's gone away. :)


Apr 12, 2011
No problem, MR. As I said, I'm not familiar with Mac, and I don't know anything about the program, but let me know if you run to problems, I'm sure we can work it out.

I wouldn't be surprised if IDW does end up printing Yearbook later down the road...it's probably just an extremely low priority for them. I'm surprised (and happy) that they are tackling Special Missions...even Marvel didn't see fit to release that as trades back in the day.


Apr 12, 2011
Oh, and we might as well talk about the content of the comics...

One of my all-time most favorite story lines from any comic title is the GI Joe ARAH/Special Missions crossover where Stalker and team get captured in Borovia with subsequent rescue by the ninjas. I love every second of that arc...

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone

I'm kidding, it's 25 years old, and I'll forget by the time I get to that specific issue.

I have up to 9 or 10 of the TPBs, and am on Volume 6 right now. I'm trying my best not to fly through them though, so that they last longer.

There was actually a lengthier discussion thread before the site reset itself (there was a server crash back in Jan or Feb that wiped out the archives) that got going pretty good. Hopefully we can revive it.


Mar 14, 2011
Oh, and we might as well talk about the content of the comics...

One of my all-time most favorite story lines from any comic title is the GI Joe ARAH/Special Missions crossover where Stalker and team get captured in Borovia with subsequent rescue by the ninjas. I love every second of that arc...

I too love that story. If I remember right, it's like issues 61-65 or something with a special missions around 63.


Apr 12, 2011

Frack me, dude! Sorry! I was actually wondering whether you had got to that part, but was thinking if you were up to Yearbook 3, then you must have gotten to the Bovoria part. I guess my chronology is a little off.

Well, then, I'll keep my mouth shut except to say what makes that story awesome (IMO) is the thousands of little details, the gritty realism, and excellent characterizations that my spoilers won't ruin.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Don't worry man, it's nearly 30 years old. If my dumbass hadn't seen Star Wars yet, it'd be my own fault if I was "spoiled" about Vader before seeing Empire Strikes Back. :)

Talk away, don't let me stop you. It was this thread (well, the dead, former version of this thread in this site's past life) that got me to buy the TPBs in the first place.


Apr 12, 2011
LOL!, As you said, it's over a quarter a century old. I can wait another couple weeks to discuss this.

Besides, I'm assuming this is your first reading of the Marvel run. It's more interesting to me to hear your first impressions on it then for me to go into ultra-fanboy mode. How far are you in the run?

Are you reading Special Missions, too? I think a lot of people dismissed that series for some reason...perhaps lack of Cobra or because the stories tend to be very text and dialogue heavy? But I loved that series. It was GI Joe with all the military realism and little of the sci-fi or Ninja mysticism/magic that I expect. I love the "shades of gray" moralism of some of the decisions they're forced to make.

Did what I send you work? I'm pretty sure I have every Joe floppy published, so like me know if your run into any more gaps.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
i've got a few TPBs that i need to catch up on...ever since i've gotten more freedom here at work to go online, my reading has suffered...

eager to get back into them though...


Apr 12, 2011
GI Joe's little-documented crossover with Atomic Robo (v1, #5)



gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
hah!...thats ^^^ cool...

i was reading ALL the Joe releases out now, but it they weren't all good...the problem was, ALL the art was, so everytime i went to the book store, i couldnt pass up any of the runs...

but thats gonna change...i'm only gonna pick up the Marvel continuation and the main TF book from now on...gonna be tough to leave the others on the stand


Apr 12, 2011
Yeah, a lot of the IDW was hit or miss. In truth, the main Joe series by Dixon WAS pretty good if you read a bunch in one sitting. Otherwise it moves so damned slow.

Although I loved the first Cobra and Cobra II runs.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
In truth, the main Joe series by Dixon WAS pretty good if you read a bunch in one sitting. Otherwise it moves so damned slow.

yeah, it wasn't bad at all...but oh my gawd, like a snail...it was over a year later and they were still on the same thread of a story...

and i loved the Cobra series...really great story telling and very unique art...but its just too much...

so yeah, i'm gonna pick one to read, and the one that follows the classic books wins...


"Big Guns"
As much of a nostalgia whore as I am, I'm enjoying the new ARAH book. But from a critical viewpoint, I have to admit that it's by far the weakest book in terms of both writing and art. The three relaunched IDW-verse books are all quite interesting, and hopefully they will move a bit quicker than their predecessors. I'm interested in who wins the contest to become the new commander, but if that hasn't wrapped up in the next six months, I'll be disappointed.

I do miss the days when each issue both continued the ongoing story AND was readable as a stand alone story. Not that every issue should be a "one-and-done", but each issue should advance the overall story in a meaningful/identifiable way. Looking back at the first 80 issues of the Marvel run, nearly every month you could summarize the adventure in a couple of sentences, and there was noticeable progression in every one (with exceptions for the random "here's a new toy" issues). While certain things began or got resolved, other undercurrents were still in play. It's not unlike the way Claremont wrote X-Men back in the 80's... Hama just did it with a bit less exposition. While comics should not be written exactly the same as they were 30 years ago, I think modern creators could learn a few things about storytelling from some of that classic material.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
I don't like it when something becomes too "soap opera". I have never really watched any soaps willingly, but I remember my mom used to watch them when she was home after my kid sister was born, and she was saying that some of the plot was still going on from when she was home 6 years earlier when she was pregnant with my brother.

The story needs to progress a bit faster than that. A year later, you shouldn't still be on the same main storyline unless it's DAMN good.


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
As much of a nostalgia whore as I am, I'm enjoying the new ARAH book. But from a critical viewpoint, I have to admit that it's by far the weakest book in terms of both writing and art.

totally agree...the new ARAH run, of all thats available, is the most kid'ish...but i expect that since its following the Marvel run...it feels just like the old stuff to me...

I do miss the days when each issue both continued the ongoing story AND was readable as a stand alone story. Not that every issue should be a "one-and-done", but each issue should advance the overall story in a meaningful/identifiable way. Looking back at the first 80 issues of the Marvel run, nearly every month you could summarize the adventure in a couple of sentences, and there was noticeable progression in every one (with exceptions for the random "here's a new toy" issues). While certain things began or got resolved, other undercurrents were still in play...

agree here too...when you have to wait a month to get another fragment to a story, it kinda gets boring...the old way, with a story that could be told and concluded in couple issues, while still having another thread continuing too was great...kept it interesting...as is, its like me telling you how my day went, but explaining one minute of it per month...after a couple months, unless the story is REALLY good, yer not gonna care about how my day went


"Big Guns"
Yeah, the difference is that back in the day, you didn't know you were in the middle of a story arc. You didn't know what a story arc was, and the comics weren't making it painfully obvious. You just read comics. Each one was good by itself AND as part of a larger tapestry.

For example, I love the "cobra island saga" as I call it (circa 37-50), but back then, I didn't know I was reading a long-form story. In one issue the Joes chase cobra across the gulf in the freighter. In the next, cobra tricks the Joes into bombing the fault line. The next few, the island becomes their new home, Ripcord goes looking for Candy, he fights with Zartan, Storm Shadow dies, lots of battles happen, etc. In reality, it probably did last for a whole year, but so much stuff happened, it never got boring. And I didn't see any individual issue as "part six of twelve". It was just another issue as the adventure continued month after month.

I suspect part of it is that you never knew when story beats were starting or ending. You didn't know that the comic in your hand was the issue that would conclude thread x, start thread y, and continue thread z in the background. Now that everything writes for the six-issue trade, you know that parts 1-5 are going to be setup for the big finish, and you just pray that the big finish actually happens. It sucks the fun out of it quite often. I would just like to read an ongoing story where each issue is entertaining by itself and tells what happens next in the lives of these characters. Life does not happen in neat six-part chunks.


Apr 12, 2011
There definitely is a change in writing styles now. I think now, writers (being strong-armed by editors) are writing comics with the intent that it soon will be released in a trade format. So stories should basically begin and finished within 6-10 comics.

Contrast that to how things were 40+ years ago. I've started re-reading the X-Men comics, starting with #1 in '60s. Man, it takes me 45 minutes+ to read those early comics. So full of text and dialogue. But you got a lot of story in 32 pages. Contrast to now. I can finish a comic in 10 minutes. Yes, the wide-screen artwork is beautiful, but more often than not, the plot barely advances at all.


Mar 14, 2011
I'm thinking about picking up the Noks Declassified series from DDP on clearance.

Anybody read it? Is it worth it?


I Ride with CLAYMORE!!!
Mar 16, 2011
Alexandria, VA
I read all of them. But I'm not interested in the new "future noir" series. The IDW Cobra series was really well done, except for the Scoop storyline, that just got weird. But truning Chuckles into something between Jack Bauer, Jason Bourne, and Sam Axe was pretty fantastic.

The newer Hama stuff has not been great, in my opinion... it's like watching Episodes I,II, and III. Yeah, it's Star Wars, but at the same time it isn't. If that makes any sense.