G.I. Kre-O, Kre-O, MegaBloks CoD and LEGO discussions


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I assume everyone's seen the teaser announcement?

I don't know anything about Kre-O, but are the figures compatible with the Lego ones? Because if they are....:

or this erector set thing:



May 6, 2011
yeah. Kre-O is compatible with LEGO and Mega Bloks and I'm assuming Best Lock


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
Megablocks does Halo. Hasbro does Kre-O, so these will be "compatible" with Transformer ones, I guess.


Mar 14, 2011
Mt Airy, MD
You're not missing much, Obi - it's just the cover to the first GI Joe issue from Marvel drawn with Kre-O style figures.


May 6, 2011
News to me. Cool!

Don't they have compatible Halo figures, too? Could make for some cool stuff.
Yup. Mega Bloks makes those. They also do some Marvel sets. And used to do some Pirates of the Caribbean sets and TMNT sets.

Though LEGO does Marvel, DC, Now does Pirates of the Caribbean, Spongebob, Cars, Toy Story and I think they're going to be making some TMNT soon as well, as it seems they have the Nickelodeon rights.

There's always this debate of who makes the better minifigs. I'll always stand by LEGO, but what do you guys think?


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Will have to fight the urge to get into something I otherwise had no previous interest in...

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All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I think Lego wins on shear breadth of subject matter.


Ď̵͓̲̬̮͜͝ȉ̶̜̝̙͙͕̀̽ͦͯ͗ ̟gͨ
Mar 19, 2011
I bet it ends up failing as a toy line.


"Big Guns"
Define failing. Does it have to last forever to be a success, or can it have a good run and put out a few dozen sets and still be a success. Or if it runs for two or three years but ends, is it considered a flop?

I'd rather they make some cool sets for a couple of years and quit while they are ahead. I don't want or need them to run it into the ground. I don't think it will be something they're still making 10 years from now, but I still think they will make it successful enough to be worth the time and effort.

I need something new to collect like a hole in the head, but I'll likely be all over these. I like the TF ones ok, but I mostly like the Kreons and couldn't care less about the actual building block sets. With Kre-Joes, I think I'll like the vehicles as much as the little characters.


Ď̵͓̲̬̮͜͝ȉ̶̜̝̙͙͕̀̽ͦͯ͗ ̟gͨ
Mar 19, 2011
Define failing. Does it have to last forever to be a success, or can it have a good run and put out a few dozen sets and still be a success. Or if it runs for two or three years but ends, is it considered a flop?

I'd rather they make some cool sets for a couple of years and quit while they are ahead. I don't want or need them to run it into the ground. I don't think it will be something they're still making 10 years from now, but I still think they will make it successful enough to be worth the time and effort.

I need something new to collect like a hole in the head, but I'll likely be all over these. I like the TF ones ok, but I mostly like the Kreons and couldn't care less about the actual building block sets. With Kre-Joes, I think I'll like the vehicles as much as the little characters.

Doesn't sell well and ends up on clearance or Ross.


Ď̵͓̲̬̮͜͝ȉ̶̜̝̙͙͕̀̽ͦͯ͗ ̟gͨ
Mar 19, 2011
By this definition, Kreo transformers were a flop too, yet they came out with a bunch of new sets and are expanding into other properties. Doesn't sound like H is THAT disappointed...

After making Star Wars figures that don't bend at the knees and selling them for ten dollars, I'd say they don't care about anything anymore so long as they have money. I mean they are allowing Hollywood to make a Hungry Hungry Hippos movie. Excuse me for being a little cynical.
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"Big Guns"
Of course they're interested in making money. And the way to tell them the SW figures sucked was to not buy them. You'd think that battleship would have taught them that HHH wasn't the best movie idea... But all of that has little to do with whether or not the kre-joes will be successful. If they're cool and we buy them, and they make more... I suppose that's a success, right?

I bought every TF Kreo set my kids have on clearance at WM. But they're making more of them, so it's not a flop, right? All I'm saying is that not everything has to sell like a Furby circa '98 to avoid being a failure.


All solutions are final.
Mar 14, 2011
I don't think Hasbro risks anything by licensing HHH for a movie. They don't put any money into the production costs, so if Paramount or Fox or whoever the fuck had the bright idea wants to do it, so be it. It's their money to throw up a wild hog's ass.

Will it tank faster that C. Thomas Howell's carreer? Probably, but there may be the off chance that it becomes a mild family hit.


"Big Guns"
I would turn the question around. What would it take to classify the line as successful? I just don't think it has to be binary, failure or success. It can be a second or third tier building block line and still be successful. It doesn't have to supplant LEGO to not be a failure.

Now if they make just one wave and they quickly go away, then that's probably a dud. But I doubt they'd bother if they didn't think it would do better than that.

For me personally, I think I'll like these better than the TF ones. A good military vehicle with a named character driver(s) ought to have more play value once the toy is built. The TF's aren't good for much besides tearing apart and starting over. I might even get some before they get discounted.


Mostly Ignored
Officer Club
May 13, 2011
I had assumed I would not buy these...but now seeing them - pending on costs...I might just pull the trigger on a few (or all) ...

But then I am afraid I will end up getting the TRU military blocks and the other brands HissTank had on the front page the other and so on and so on... :D


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
D!cks...we're still waiting for a proper Law and Order and this dumb a$$ kreo sh!t gets him right out of the gate?!...not to mention Jinx that we asked for for years...


Ď̵͓̲̬̮͜͝ȉ̶̜̝̙͙͕̀̽ͦͯ͗ ̟gͨ
Mar 19, 2011
I can't say I'm very enthuised by the look of the minifigures. There is something about them that urks me. I also have to wonder why Hasbro is making these with the original 1980's character designs that only adult nerds recognize. Making Kre-O stuff for GI Joe doesnt make any since because the brand gets little to no marketing at all. Tranformers currently has a cartoon on the hub, and Battleship had a movie, but GI Joe currently has nothing! Even if the movie hadn't been delayed and by some miracle ended up being a big success this year, making GI Joe Kre-O stuff with the old 1980's character designs just feels like Hasbro is catering to ARAH fans who don't even need marketing without actually innovating or advancing the brand into something better.

I guess Hasbro thinks it can make more money on nostalgic nerds rather than actually having a marketing campaign, which would make since if they had'nt spent so much time and energy on a movie that got delayed at the last minute.

I also just don't think Kre-O in general can compete with both Lego and Mega Blocks. They have way more relevent pop culture brand names such as Star Wars, Marvel Avengers, DC comic heroes, Halo, and more recently World of Warcraft to just name a few. But I'm willing to admit that this is just my speculation on the matter. Mabe Kre-O will some how revitalize GI Joe or something, or at least let Hasbro make a quick buck. Afterall, if Mega Blocks can sussesfully compete with Lego than maybe Hasbro stands a chance.
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Dr Syn

Mar 27, 2011
That Fang and Flight Pod are adorable.

Liking what I see, and will try my utmost to not buy or import.


"Big Guns"
The more I look at these, the more I think I'm going to do an about-face and not buy them. While I think they are really neat, there are so friggin many of them. And if the TF sets are any indicator, the price points will be ridiculous. They haven't even come out yet, and I was already thinking of how many of each army-builder to get. Then I realized these little TF figures from the larger sets sell on ebay for more than a retail 3.75" joe. So the idea of buying 1" figures really lost it's luster. I don't want to buy a $60 set of building block boats, and it's just not worth $20 to obtain a loose lego "Cutter".

Then I start thinking about what to do with them and where and how to display them. And I ultimately came to the conclusion that I just don't need these. They are neat, and I'll enjoying watching what they come out with, but I need to collect less stuff, not more, so I think these are going to be the tipping point. I'm just saying "no". (Nancy Reagan would be proud...)


gobbles a LOT of cock
Mar 14, 2011
S.E. Mich :(
Then I start thinking about what to do with them and where and how to display them. And I ultimately came to the conclusion that I just don't need these. They are neat, and I'll enjoying watching what they come out with, but I need to collect less stuff, not more, so I think these are going to be the tipping point. I'm just saying "no". (Nancy Reagan would be proud...)

Right there with ya...cool/cute as the little buggers are, I have to ask myself, "why?"


"Big Guns"
One one hand, I could talk myself into buying a subset, like the original 13. But then I'd see a few more that I liked. Then I'd start to get more and more like Flint or other key characters. Then I'd be all-in, just about the time they make Lady Jaye a SDCC exclusive, and I have to shell out $40 for a 1" lego figure. Then I'd curse myself and my whole toy collection.

Collecting this shit is time consuming, stressful, and expensive, and I'm starting to get to the end of my rope... but ultimately, yeah, it's the "why". I have tons of real Joes to display or let my kids play with. Why would I want to pay big $$$ for a collection of lego people, even if they are cute, nostalgia-inducing lego people?!

Now if they came on tiny little vintage cardbacks.... then I'd sell my soul ;)