
Mar 15, 2012
Just read this thread.
Here's a funny thing. Jesse messaged me on FB the other day saying a guy PMed him saying I called Jesse a liar and thief. Jesse wouldn't tel me who it was but I guess it's pretty obvious now.

I was really trying to stay away from this drama thread but there's way more to this than is posted and I don't really care and just want to move on.
This is all about a private group that I was in and yes was kicked out off. Anyway a few guys Pm'd me about stuff that was going on, I don't wanna tell you who it is cause they are are still in the group and I don't wanna ruin it for them.

I think we're cool DH and if SWG has any problems with me I'm sure he would just pm me. That's it's I won't be posting here again and if the owner of the FB group is trolling this page please don't PM me. I told you I was done, let it go.
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Mar 15, 2012
Hopefully that doesn't mean, posting here in general...


Damn it! MR, I meant this thread....ok this is it last time in this thread. I gotta get back to work before I get nasty pms of why I'm posting in stead of casting. Yes I really do get those. I was scolded by another site for going to SDCC in stead of staying home and casting a million hours a day.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Damn it! MR, I meant this thread....ok this is it last time in this thread. I gotta get back to work before I get nasty pms of what I'm posting in stead of casting. Yes I really do get those. I was scolded by another site for going to SDCC in stead of staying home and casting a million hours a day.




Jun 10, 2012
Well, let's see, Jess got my parts to me shade under a year.

Alyosha aka John aka Broken Arrow got my parts to me after 8 months

These are facts about items I actually ordered.


Mar 15, 2012
Well, let's see, Jess got my parts to me shade under a year.

Alyosha aka John aka Broken Arrow got my parts to me after 8 months

These are facts about items I actually ordered.

Come on damn it! I said I wasn't gonna post anymore. Please Greg unless your gonna tell the entire story don't post. If you have anything neg to post but in my feedback thread. I have enough guys trying to bash me that don't even have a reason to. Have I fucked shit up...hell yes I have. Have I fixed problems yes or I'm trying to fix the handful that are still there. Have I ran away like a coward little bitch and just closed shop and run away with peoples I haven't. I'm not gonna sit and let anyone bash me like on HT. I've had over 3900 orders since March of last year. Yeah I messed some shit big time but I've only had about 75-80 problems on orders. Is it to many yes but it is what it is.

Just to be clear no one here has given me any problems and just pm me and tell me to get my head out of my ass and thats the end of it. I don't take offense to any of that. That's what friends do.

So if any of you HTers or FB group members(you know who you are) trolling this thread have shit to say to me email and say it.....

Sorry MR...ill get back to work.
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shi shi

Aug 25, 2013
So if any of you HTers or FB group members(you know who you are) trolling this thread have shit to say to me email and say it...

Jesse, just sent you an email about my order from January. Can you please do me the courtesy of replying with an update about when I can expect the parts.

My order is #: 1357515546-998

It isn't a huge order and from what you've said, it is one of only a handful still outstanding.

If there's a problem with availability of the parts I've requested then I would be open to changing some to ones you've got in stock that I might want instead.

Let me know.
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Mocha Viper
Jul 20, 2011
Fighting118th...the new HT.

Who wants to start up a new website for a place to bs without all that other bs from the other two sites?

All the threads will be bashing threads. That way we can get all the people trolling to actually register to make a single post.

Mandingo Rex

Mar 14, 2011
Gone Baby, Gone
Fighting118th...the new HT.

Who wants to start up a new website for a place to bs without all that other bs from the other two sites?

All the threads will be bashing threads. That way we can get all the people trolling to actually register to make a single post.

Haha. It'll happen man. I can't blame folks for trying, I guess. Or maybe I just won't let a missing order or two from a caster get under my skin that bad. Or maybe I've just spent so much on collecting and customizing, that a lost $100 here or there doesn't matter anymore. Or because I lost everything I owned in a fire half a decade ago and realize real property/money "loss" in the hobby, that I stopped being mad at lost orders here and there. I mean I still get mad as hell at the various delivery services for being fuckups when I order from online retailers, and I know some people think Jesse is blowing smoke up their asses about the Post Office fucking up his orders, but if he has luck like me, then it is very possible, as ridiculous as it sounds.

I don't think that all his issues are based on the Post Office, but I know he's had issues with them losing his orders before. I don't really believe in karma but I do believe in some sort of... "evil luck" or some shit that happens to stick to some folks. I have some of the worst damned "luck" of anyone I know, and it may sound like made-up bullshit with some of the stories I've told over the years, but shit happens. Sometimes more to some folks.

I am happy that this is a forum for folks to air grievances without being banned or with the threat of threads being shut down, but everyone's got to police themselves a little more, folks. It's a hobby, stop ruining it for everyone else and making it unenjoyable by constantly bitching about your missing parts.

You'll either get them, or you won't. That's it. You took a gamble by buying online from some guy you'd likely never met in person, selling some shit that infringes on (or without care happily tap-dances all over) intellectual property, and there was ALWAYS a risk in making that purchase and not seeing it. This is in no way a knock on these guys, as I fully, whole-heartedly encourage every single caster out there selling original casts or straight-up copies of official products as it strengthens the customizing/collecting hobby. But it is what it is, and I realize that, and the risks involved.

But Past 45 or 90 days, or whatever the Paypal limit is, you're really out of luck on filing any claims, and what are you going to do? Go cry to the fucking BBB over an online seller? Cry to the mods of the site you were on where you first saw the seller post, and have them rally against that seller and then ruin the hobby for everyone else by banning ALL CASTERS? The squeaky wheel may get the oil in real life, but enough pestering online and all it's going to do is get you forgotten entirely out of spite, or moved to the back of the queue.

I wonder how many folks on all the Joe sites act towards waitstaff at restaurants who fuck up their orders and send it back. I laugh at how much DNA and human waste some of them have consumed in their lives after bitching out the wrong waiter.
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Giga Bread

Mega Calories!
Aug 20, 2011
Haha. It'll happen man. I can't blame folks for trying, I guess. Or maybe I just won't let a missing order or two from a caster get under my skin that bad. Or maybe I've just spent so much on collecting and customizing, that a lost $100 here or there doesn't matter anymore. Or because I lost everything I owned in a fire half a decade ago and realize real property/money "loss" in the hobby, that I stopped being mad at lost orders here and there. I mean I still get mad as hell at the various delivery services for being fuckups when I order from online retailers, and I know some people think Jesse is blowing smoke up their asses about the Post Office fucking up his orders, but if he has luck like me, then it is very possible, as ridiculous as it sounds.

I don't think that all his issues are based on the Post Office, but I know he's had issues with them losing his orders before. I don't really believe in karma but I do believe in some sort of... "evil luck" or some shit that happens to stick to some folks. I have some of the worst damned "luck" of anyone I know, and it may sound like made-up bullshit with some of the stories I've told over the years, but shit happens. Sometimes more to some folks.

I am happy that this is a forum for folks to air grievances without being banned or with the threat of threads being shut down, but everyone's got to police themselves a little more, folks. It's a hobby, stop ruining it for everyone else and making it unenjoyable by constantly bitching about your missing parts.

You'll either get them, or you won't. That's it. You took a gamble by buying online from some guy you'd likely never met in person, selling some shit that infringes on (or without care happily tap-dances all over) intellectual property, and there was ALWAYS a risk in making that purchase and not seeing it. This is in no way a knock on these guys, as I fully, whole-heartedly encourage every single caster out there selling original casts or straight-up copies of official products as it strengthens the customizing/collecting hobby. But it is what it is, and I realize that, and the risks involved.

But Past 45 or 90 days, or whatever the Paypal limit is, you're really out of luck on filing any claims, and what are you going to do? Go cry to the fucking BBB over an online seller? Cry to the mods of the site you were on where you first saw the seller post, and have them rally against that seller and then ruin the hobby for everyone else by banning ALL CASTERS? The squeaky wheel may get the oil in real life, but enough pestering online and all it's going to do is get you forgotten entirely out of spite, or moved to the back of the queue.

I wonder how many folks on all the Joe sites act towards waitstaff at restaurants who fuck up their orders and send it back. I laugh at how much DNA and human waste some of them have consumed in their lives after bitching out the wrong waiter.

Amen. Especially the bit about waitstaff. As a rule, I never order more than $30 worth of goods from a caster because I've been burned before with local restaurants and businesses going belly up on me.