G.I. Joe Classified Series (1:12)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Good thing I am not all that interested in him. Still hoping for a main line Viper though. Still waiting for my Flint, LJ and Cobra Trooper that are pre-ordered too. I'd probably pick up a Firefly if I see one for something less than 2x retail. At least the exclusives/scalping/price gouging is keeping me from overbuying this time. My 25th Joes got a little out of hand... :p
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"Big Guns"
Well, just suffered through a 4 hour hasbro fan event, and there was no mention of Bludd, just SE Movie figs.

The Scarlett movie fig looks pretty good, probably better than her main release because the head sculpt is attractive. SE is just ok, as I still struggle with him being changed into a dark-haired asian dude. Baroness and SS look pretty meh, just typical movie figs that look too much like an actor, less like a character. Then there is a new asian girl ninja "Akiko" who is basically the Joe version of Last Skywalker's "Rose". No doubt she'll be revealed to be SS's cousin at some point, aka Jinx (whose file card name was never revealed in classic ARAH lore). Yawn.

Trying to morph these characters into real-world people just doesn't translate. I'm more disappointed than I expected to be.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I just got the notice of these from BBTS and EE, and, yeah, I‘m not ready to replace SE or Scarlett, or to add that (boring) SS, Baroness or whoever-that-Asian-girl-is. That Scarlett’s outfit looks more like movie LJ’s. She’s not bad, but the current Scarlett is a better tribute to the original IMO. Maybe I’ll change my mind when/if I see her in person. But overall, these are incredibly underwhelming, and I hope they didn’t make too many or supplant any better figs to release them.


"Big Guns"
Look what the mailman brought today...


while they're not perfect (Bludd's backpack is just as bad as all previous backpacks in the line), these guys are getting closer and closer to classic ARAH designs. Jaye is pretty cool, but I'm not 100% sold on the face sculpt, and I'd have preferred a more Sunbow deco, but that's just me. Overall, I'm rather pleased. Bludd has some amazing photo-real face printing, and whoever they modeled him after is one creepy dude.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I got Flint, LJ and the Trooper recently as well. I like all three pretty well. Like you said, fairly true to the originals, which is good and bad. I was never a fan of LJ's spears as her primary weapon. I'm not sure what they were going for with her weapon system on this. I just set her up cartoon style to throw her spears. I prefer the hat head, which looks pretty good. I'd like to pick up a rifle or two to supplement my new Joes with something besides shotguns and spears. I always gave Flint a spare Airborne rifle back in the day. Shotguns are only good for close quarters (I've always been opinionated like that with my Joes). And spears, well... they're spears...

The sculps for all are pretty good. Flint and the Trooper are solid, not as awesome as Beachhead, but solid. I'm hesitant to try to move one of LJ's legs much, because the hip joint is extremely tight and I don't want to break it. It's okay for me because I just set up poses and leave them all on my shelf at work, but I don't think she'll last long once I pass them along to my daughter. Her first version of Hela lasted about a week before breaking an arm. Dad to the rescue for a replacement, and I think she's learned to be particularly careful with the skinny lady figures, but this one is ripe for an unrepairable break.

I'm still looking for a reasonable option for a Firefly, but am not willing to spend more than double for an "ok" version of him. I've all but given up on getting a Cobra Island Viper. No matter how great the fig, I'm not paying $100+ for it. Scalpers can eat a bag on both of those. I'm holding out hope for (ideally an even better) general re-releases for both like they did with the Trooper, so I can have more than one Cobra to counter my 5 Joes.

As for the others, I have passed up normal or even a little below priced CCs, Destros, Zartans, RBs, Dukes, etc. Even though I had all those multiple times in the past, the new versions just don't wow me enough to add them to the mini-collection this time. I suppose it's for the best after what happened with my 25th collection... :LOL:


"Big Guns"
I have a second LJ ordered so I could give her a better paintjob, much like I did with scarlett. And I've got a second flint that I'm going to use to mod the vest somehow. Not sure if I'm going to just paint it different or actually cut away the non-suspender parts of the vest to make it more ARAH accurate. All that green on Flint looks weird to me.
And I'll definitely be paining the kneepads to match the pants and doing something with those shin-guards. Why is hasbro obsessed with everyone having fucking shin-guards? Is Cobra employing a lot of frontal-only attacks that are a foot off the ground? Are they getting together to play soccer later? I don't understand, and I don't like it. But at least they aren't gold, which is a big improvement.

Speaking of improvements, I picked up the Duke and Scarlett redecos as well. Duke definitely looks better, but he's still "off" somehow. Scarlett... I don't really like the black & brown deco, but I like the printed face and darker hair much better. It's like you have to mix and match parts to make tolerable figures. I haven't picked up the toned down Roadblock, mostly because I don't care. I've got a half-finished custom of the CI version painted in ARAH colors that I'll be using in my display, so a muted redeco of the original release does nothing for me.

I'll try to get some better pics over the weekend, as I'm excited to get all the Cobras together for a group shot now that I have Bludd. He was the last of the major named guys I needed (I'm counting SS as done with my custom AI figure... b/c that mortal kombat looking SS on the Joe box art is a travesty). Sure, I'll take Scrap Iron, Wild Weasel, and some Dreadnoks, but with CC, Destro, Baroness, Firefly, Zartan, and Bludd, you've got the bulk of the brain-trust there. Might make a custom Dr Venom from a spare DCD Hugo Strange and a Tarkin head, but that's down the road.
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"Big Guns"
Whelp, no need now; Big-H just announced a new classified Roadblock in ARAH deco (amazon exclusive), along with Barbecue (another Target exclusive), a deluxe commando Snake-Eyes with articulated Timber (no word on how it'll be distributed), and a Target exclusive Breaker with RAM.

Thrilled with the product, seriously bummed about the ebay tax I'll have to pay to obtain most of it.

Hasbro G.I. Joe June Live-Stream Coverage - More Exclusives Revealed (toynewsi.com)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Well, that’s a surprise. That RB is the best yet. I’d buy him for retail if I ever see him (didn’t see him on Amazon). BBQ is an easy pass. That’s the kind of fig Target should be getting. As cool as the new one looks, I have no need for another SE. Breaker w/ RAM looks cool, but I’ll never pay what it would take to get one. Plus, he really needs more weapons. I guess I’ll wait to see what comes of the next reveal in July(?).


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I figured it was something like that. The more I look at him and the other upcoming releases, the less I like them. They seem to have fewer details and accessories than the earlier batches.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, I read you. I’m just much more about getting a modernized version of my favorites (with lots of cool accessories) over just a scaled up version of the original. To each their own.


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I get that. But they're using the same molds for all these figures, so it's not like there is actually any less detail in the bucks of these than the prior figures, just less gaudy paint, less cumbersome rubber armor. The guns for these look far more realistic than the wave 1 Starship Troopers nerf weaponry too.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Well, if you take a look at such weapons as the P90, F2000, and ARX, and a lot of the newer mag fed shotguns, they all look pretty nerfy. Polymer is the present and the future. But I do get what your saying as well. I guess I want the new hotness with just enough homage to the original to make it unmistakably that character. But I’m looking beyond the 80s fabulous look, weapons and gear.

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"Big Guns"
Lest you forget, we're talking about a group of soldiers that fights a snake-themed terrorist group that includes a used car salesman with a lisp, a one-eyed poet, a swamp dweller with a skin condition, a deranged shirtless dentist-turned-geneticist, and a guy in a metal mask whose lips inexplicably still move when he describes his weather control device or the magic beans he invented. Yet you're worried that their weapons aren't "Halo" enough...

I might be out of touch on bleeding edge military gear, but when it comes to this franchise, I suspended my disbelief long ago. It helps, I promise. ;)


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Nah, haven’t you heard? That’s the old GI Joe! The new GI JOE is an international team of elite special operatives using their talents, training and the latest technology to fight a snake themed terrorist group/hostile island nation and anyone else who “disturbs the global peace.”

As for the weirdos of Cobra, it’s actually a lot easier to believe these days as many have been seen on reality tv and wandering the streets of NYC and SD, muttering their plans for world domination before they found their way to Cobra. Heck, some of the weirdest came out of the universities and the current administration 😝.
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"Big Guns"
Well this is a non-exclusive that hits all the right buttons for me. Classic ARAH SE with wolf. Screw that ninja shit, commando SE is the holy grail as far as I'm concerned. '82/'83 swivel arm SE and Stalker were the first carded Joes I ever bought (after having picked up Clutch and the VAMP the previous month), and I couldn't be happier about getting this guy... (well, I could complain about the shin-guards, but since he's all black, they don't stand out much).

G.I. Joe Classified Series Snake Eyes & Timber: Alpha Commandos Action – Hasbro Pulse


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Cool. I’m satisfied with the version I have and really have no use for Timber, especially for an extra $20. I do like Commando version the best, but feel like the single version has enough of it mixed in.


"Big Guns"
I get not wanting to pay 40+ for it, but getting an articulated wolf with mutable heads doesn't exactly feel like getting bent over, IMO. As an expensive accessory, I like the wolf a hell of a lot more than that stupid moto that came with Baroness.

I'm happy as can be. I ordered two, just to have a spare.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Bent over because they want $40 for a head that they could have packed in with the original as an accessory. Hasbro is doing the same shit with TFs by packing Sideswipe and Mirage in with Beast War figures and charging $50 per 2 pack. Nobody born in the 70’s wants some repainted animal tranny, but they have you by the balls if you want that red Lambo or blue F1 car to complete your 84’ collection. 🤬


"Big Guns"
Eh, I think the wolf has value, and the figure body is substantially different than the original release. I was not a fan of the ninja look, especially the little footie pajamas with the camel toe feet (ugh). The visor head was the most redeeming feature of the 1st release, but the commando look is vastly superior, IMO. And knowing Hasbro, it will be re-released with slight tweaks 47 times in the next five years, so I wouldn't get too bent out of shape if you don't want to shell out for the wolf.

Not counting the G1 reissues, I don't recall the last time I bought a Hasbro TF for myself, probably Siege Sideswipe is the only one in the last decade. I would have bought the new Sideswipe (even though it looks really similar) just because I'm a sucker for Sideswipe figures (fav character), but I was not going to buy that horrid beast thing with it. Yet I'm not really fussed about it. I'll pick one up loose or not at all. Either way, Hasbro TFs are generally so lackluster that I have no f#$%s to give when they do stuff like that. I would have bought it on a lark, but it's no big loss to do without.
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Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
At least with SE the wolf belongs if you want it. I’m more concerned with ever seeing Breaker than not replacing my perfectly fine ninja SE with the commando version. All I wanted when 6” Joes were announced were the original green shirts. Would be spectacular if they carded them like they do with Star Wars.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Lol, so I mentioned I had no need for Major Bludd. Well, that was until I happened upon a peg of 5 of them (nothing else, just him 🤷‍♂️) when I made a pit stop at a Target (they typically have clean bathrooms 😝) while coming home in 4 hours of stupid thick rainy Friday northern VA traffic yesterday. Wow, you were right about the sculpt, and the accessories seem suitable and close enough as modernized versions. So I got one, and am looking forward to opening the package and posing him with my Cobra Trooper on Monday.
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"Big Guns"
At least with SE the wolf belongs if you want it. I’m more concerned with ever seeing Breaker than not replacing my perfectly fine ninja SE with the commando version. All I wanted when 6” Joes were announced were the original green shirts. Would be spectacular if they carded them like they do with Star Wars.
Yeah, now that we have commando SE, Breaker, Flint, and LJ ...my biggest wants are the rest of the original 13 greenies, plus Dusty, Ace, & Ripcord.

I would have to change my pants if they put them on retro '82-'85 cards.

Lol, so I mentioned I had no need for Major Bludd. Well, that was until I happened upon a peg of 5 of them (nothing else, just him 🤷‍♂️) when I made a pit stop at a Target (they typically have clean bathrooms 😝) while coming home in 4 hours of stupid thick rainy Friday northern VA traffic yesterday. Wow, you were right about the sculpt, and the accessories seem suitable and close enough as modernized versions. So I got one, and am looking forward to opening the package and posing him with my Cobra Trooper on Monday.
Excellent. It's a truly impressive sculpt. In reality, pretty much every cobra sculpt (minus ho-hum CC) have been astounding. They're definitely much more true to their classic roots than any of the Joes.

The only flaw with Bludd is that the missiles on mine would not stay attached to the backpack. Just looking at him would make them fall off. It needs more friction or a better snap/clip feature.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I may just leave them off as I have with anything that doesn’t cooperate or just doesn’t work (i.e. Beachhead’s beret). So, today I’m in Walmart, and wouldn’t you know it, Flints, LJs and CCs on pegs. I picked up the CC to bolster my Cobras. As you said, he ain’t great, but is obviously CC. So now I have 3 Cobras vs. my 5 Joes. And... I have been warming up to Zartan too. I’m afraid I might buy him if I saw him on a peg for a normal price. Not gonna pay the shipping unless he’s with a few others.

As for the other retro Joe stuff, no way I’m buying the knockoff looking $12 figs or the silly $25 vehicles. No way a Fang or Hiss is worth that, not even the AWE Striker. I think those will die on the vine.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Love the classic Flint and LJ! I wouldn’t say I’m a fan of that version of Scarlett. Duke is... Duke. Save for creating a unique version, his look is just... plain.


"Big Guns"
Duke as a figure and a character were always subordinate to Hawk and Flint in my world. I agree, he's kind of boring and self-righteous. I prefer Flint being a bit more laid back, funny, and charming as a field commander, and Hawk's always going to be the boss.

Scarlett's base layer in various media always varies between light grey, dark grey, blue, and purple. I just went with the purple b/c it was similar to the figure's torso plastic and I didn't feel like sanding joints. She's never been my favorite (LJ was always my girl), but I like the purple/bone look more than the rainbow mess of the v1 Classified release.

Flint looks so much better without the vest, and LJ just looks "correct" with the dark pants and brown boots. Neither is 100% accurate to toon or toy representations, but I just wanted to make them much closer to their most recognizable depictions. I'm sure hasbro will repaint both eventually and obsolete my efforts, but until then, I'll enjoy having improved versions on the shelf.


Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
Similar for me. I had Col. Hawk before Duke back in the day, but that Hawk was a pretty useless figure, and stayed with his MMS or whatever was pulling it. I believe I got Duke as a mail-in and liked him until Flint came out and was immediately leading all my field teams. Gen. Hawk came out, and I don’t even remember what happened to my Duke figure after that. Hawk would lead any substantial force, with Flint and/or Beachhead leading the smaller units.

IMO Scarlett never got a decent version in the OG Joe (I never had a Scarlett fig until the 25th). Honestly, my favorite action figure of her was the RoC black kit. That was the first one that was both feminine and battle ready. LJ had a decent outfit throughout, but didn’t get a decent weapon kit until the version from the second movie. She was usually relegated to being a damsel in distress in my Joeverse as soon as she expended her couple of spears. I’m not sure why I never never gave her a better weapon like I did for Flint. I guess somebody had to take the “always captured” role with Duke back on desk duty. 😝


"Big Guns"
Yeah, I got '83 mail-away Duke too, but I didn't have OG Hawk until a few years later when I bought him and the MMS off a friend who had moved on from Joe. I don't recall who was in charge pre-Duke, probably Stalker. But when Flint and Hawk came along, Duke was relegated to the team that was first to get killed, right in the firing line next to Sgt Slaughter, Super Trooper, Charbroil, and Barbecue. ;)

I had original '82 straight-arm Scarlett, and that figure was a total dud (no swivel, uggo face, no pony tail, no peg hole for stands), but I never blamed the deco. Her outfit was completely fine to me, by far the least of the issues that figure had. '83 Covergirl had a better figure but was arguably even uglier. Even '85 Lady Jaye's figure was pretty derpy, but it was so much better than the other two girls, and her cartoon persona was more my type, so she became the lead female in my squad immediately. I just gave her a different gun, but that didn't stop her from ending up a damsel in distress. For Flint, it. just. got. personal.
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Here Comes the Boom!!!
Mar 14, 2011
I'm perfectly fine with these being Tarjay exclusives. Beachhead, Firefly and Viper, not so much.


"Big Guns"
Well the nice part is that the POs managed to last longer than 4.2 seconds, which is a major improvement. If all target exclusives were available for hours/days, I think most people would find that acceptable.

TBH, I'm far more interested in Breaker than the previous CI exclusives, but I'm a sucker for the O13, plus Breaker is the Joe with the hometown closest to my own. He's from Gatlinburg, he had a pivotal role in the cartoon, and he had a southern accent without making him sound like an extra from Hee-Haw (I'm looking at you, Cross Country). So I've always had a soft spot for ol' Alvin.

I hope that mold gets repainted to death for most of the O13 (because awesome) and that some of them are non-exclusives. I'll buy extras so I can upgrade Flint, Duke, and Beachhead to laced-up non-shin-guarded boots.


Deuce Deuce
Staff member
Mar 14, 2011
Those look great Nacho and caused me to buy Flint today when I saw him at WM. I left Jaye since she’s only $19.99 on Amazon if I decide I want her. Really just want that Breaker set.

Edit: just saw you links and Breaker is sold out. 🤬
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